Thursday 7 October 2010

I'm back

I cant beleive it s been nearly a month since my last update mainly because i have been flat out running illinoise area and back and having difficulty in finding the internet. Last week i ran down to saltlake city with cat litter, the weather was glorious and i caught the sun waiting to load. the destination was toronto driving right across the us on I 80,through utah,wyoming,nebraska,iowa,wisconsin,michigan,crossing into canada via winsor nr detroit to toronto.approx 2000 miles 3 and a half days driving.the first part takes you over the rockies, i parked up at rawlings flying J truck stop so i could veiw the sun rise in the morning, being at high altitude about 7000 ft i was'nt dissapointed.the following day i went thru laramie and cheyanne two well know cowboy programs, its strange seeing the places and assosiating them with the tv. i even went past desoto iowa,the birth place of, (i;ve come for my boy) yep, you got it, big john you now may have guessed i seem to go thru a lot of places but i never stop at any.the problem is i could spend time at these places only parking can be a problem so im documenting these place of interest an im will come back on a holiday.
I dropped thr trailer in brampton,weather cold now and had to wear my coat, so a city driver could deliver it the next day and i took a couple of days off.i normally park in walmarts so i can shop and refill my ladder with lots of goodies,don't tell the missus.
I reloaded out of kitchener with chicken for mc donalds saskatoon unfortunatley the truck had ran out of its safety cert and had to go to the garage for a test so here i am sat in a hotel for the night, problem is i now have missed my reload out of saskatoon for california wat a good trip that would have been with loads of miles,hey ho life.s a b.

Tuesday 7 September 2010

would you beleive it

H ad a lovely rest sat and got away 0430 sunday, so i would miss any holiday traffic. An hour down the road at a small town of Harve got stopped on the scales for a weight check. 5,30 in the morning and the lovely police man wanted to check my records, all was in order and sent on my merry way, half an hour down the road got stopped again in another scale, luckily the previous officer gave me a receipt of my check so i showed it to the policeman explaining that i had been stopped already,he let me go with a have safe day. Nope i could'nt let it go, being sunday i asked if all his mates were out this morning and earning double time. he didnt hear me, lucky i thought, as i did'nt want to spend the rest of sunday banged up. I swear i didnt see another vehicle for 2 hrs it was jus me and the open road, wonderful.
Found Bettendorf Iowa and went t bed and tipped early next morning. i had to wait till the next day for a trailer change so i went to the biggest truck stop in america,the TA at I 80 iowa. It was huge 800 truck places, a truck shop containing everything your budding trucker would need, i could have spent a fortune, even the wifi was free.Spoke to mum on skype.
Left next day for Montreal, didnt see much as i arrived at night and went to an indusrial est. tipped in the morning and picked up a loaded trailer for calgary 2100 miles away along the trans canadian 1.this road is the most pictuesque but the road kill can be upsetting, i saw a black bear cub by the side of the road dead, real shame, but the worst are skunks, they smell so bad, you can be driving along when suddenly it hits you thru the air vents, no warning nothing, and these little suckers can be a kilometer away and the smell gets progressivly worse till you see the carcase and drive pass up wind.

Sunday 29 August 2010

Holy Sunday

This service only runs on sunday,if the crossing is good enough for JC then its good enough for The Canadian Pasific Railway

Saturday 28 August 2010

things are cooling down

You'll be glad to know that things are cooling down, today was a bit cloudy, im getting fed up with all this sun,had to turn down the a/c,its now in the lower 80s during the day, last week in vegas it was 120 and 85 over night.
Comming up from vegas the truck started to back fire and blow out black smoke, i was told to continue, let it develop they said.made it to the yard and changed trucks to continue to edmonton.dropped the trailer there.I was told off by a pipsqueek manager winging that i didnt have load bars holding the load up in the trailer,ye right at 50 bucks each and u normaly you have 3, at your own expence.i said i was a pro driver and i didnt need them,the git took my name and reported me,what a T-----ser. anyway got sent to load at calgary, destination bettendorf iowa, not a clue either, but its about 1500 miles away, so here i am sat in shelby tstop sat tea timewriting a blog. I thought i would have an easy day, and set off early tmrw morning as the sunrises are spectacular, see you in bettendorf. i know iknow, more pictures, im working on it.

Wednesday 25 August 2010

Still trucking on

Again appologies for the long delayed update,the truck stops (flying j) i use for tinternet is updating its service so its more difficult to find sites, any how this one is free at a TS called DADs in Idahi Falls,so here we go.
Loaded out of Toronto For calgary a trip across the trans canadian 1,1days driving 13 hrs to get across ontario.I drove only during the day because of all the warnings about moose wandering on the road at night,they are like cart horses and weigh about a ton,if you hit one, at best you come out second.Again the countryside was beautiful.2000 miles later i found myself in calgary.
From here i loaded for Los Angeles,down thru Great falls, Salt Lake City, Las Vegas to LA.Arriving sat night.Because the load was not tipping untill mon i spent the day in the TStop with me ole mate martin and a canadian driver and caught up with old times, which reminds me i had some bad new a couple of weeks ago.My mate died, came to canada to retire, a good o'l boy,heart attack, well he was over 25 stone, driven in reverse further than some forward,forgotten more than most know, so i went to his funeral as he was a loner.Trouble is i could'nt find the church, then got held up in roadworks and when finally arrived everybody had gone, there were just the two workmen with shovels standing there.So i thought id better go and see.I stood by them and said a few kind and sympathetic words and told a few old stories of what he was like and the fun we had, choked me up a bit so i decided to leave. As i was about to get in the car one workman said to the other,that was the most moving and sentimental speach ive heard in 20 years of putting in septic tanks.
See you later

Friday 13 August 2010

Down to New York

Im starting to find out where all the good stops are now, so life is becomming a lot easier. Im making alot of friends here now, real genuine people that only want to help as they have all been in my situation as a newby.
loaded out of canada for new york this week, the bronx of all places, a bit of a rush job, it dos'nt matter when the suppliers load you, you must still deliver on time, this really sucks as there is a lot of pressure on the driver to deliver.any how being a true proffesional i was still late, no not really i got ther early by being a bit creative with the log book,24 hours driving in 34 hours,1600 miles, thats like going from soton to aberdean and back.wont do that again in a hurry,on the plus side i got some brownie points.
Didnt get to see much of ny as i was watching where i going, i drove over geo washington bridge, 40 dollars toll, to get to the bronx, its as bad as the tv shows i was glad to get out with all my wheels attached.It was stange looking down the hudson river and seeing all the tall skyscrapers on manhatton island. As a point the new yorkers are a bit upset as they are going to build a mosque on the site of the twin towers, how insensitive is that.
I got my next job to run 595 mt up to toronto this is about 10 hrs driving, then load for calgary,i didnt realise new york was a state, and what a beautiflul one too.its mountainous with a lot ski resorts in the winter and it heavily forrested.Everyone seems to have camper vans or caravans, there are even people with campers the size of coaches towing 4x4 cars, amazing.The weather is really hot still, mostly in the 90s, and when it rains it becomes very humid.
nice too see my followers are increasing( hi josh an amy)im glad that im not forgotten yet

Saturday 31 July 2010

some pictures

Rule number 1. Dont go down hills fast using y0ur brakes they will catch fire.

Friday 30 July 2010

don't time fly

I cant believe its been 3 weeks since my last update, (anyone still listening). I got away at midday and set off to california and got lost 2 blocks away from the yard, this isnt goin to well me finks, any way got my bearings and got awy. its all about fuel and you next fuel stops, the company plan your route based on these.the truck will go about 900 miles on 3/4 tank and you drive about 600 miles a day, 60mph x 10hrs dr.The truck stops in usa are brill, good food and facilities.because of the heat drivers keep their trucks running on fast tick over for th air con, ALL NIGHT, the yanks can sure give us a lesson in fuel waste.The T/S vibrates with the engines. I have a tri pac fitted to my truck that has a generator and runs the air con so i can keep cool at night.
I drove the same route to LA then back up to san fransisco to load wine(fetzer) out of santa rosa dest for edmonton.Most of the route was up H way 97, what beauty now i know why i came, the scenery was outstanding. The boarder crossing at Kingsgate was apicture of quaintness.
I returned to the yard and sent out to chicargo with a load of beef a place called napoleon, then reloaded puff pastry for vancouver 2200 miles and 35 hrs dr, why they cant make puff pastry in canada is beyond me, still its a dirty job and someone has to do it.

Thursday 15 July 2010

Return to leth bridge

Arrived in Vancouver at yard in Delta and found out that there was no load back to Lethbridge so Al took me to the local hotel only to be told that it was full.My boss then sent me to a posh hotel in twassenen.I stayed there over night and called in the morning only to be told that i would have to stay another night, so back to the sauna, hey ho its a dirty job and someone has to do it. Al picked me up the following day and brought along a picnic as he thought i would be hungry, what a star. I drove half way back as i had to go to class that day at work for the orientation course.
Thurs 15 July. Last day in class room and passed all tests. I was allocated my truck and a job down to california hooray, only to find out the truck was in the garage for a service, boo. So tmrw morning im going back to yard to load up my gear and hopfully get away midday.

Tuesday 13 July 2010

second mentor trip to vancouver

Finally got away from Calgary. I got picked by a canadian driver called alex, a really nice guy about the same age as me.He showed me how to drive over the rockies without using the brakes.there was some long hills about 5 miles long up and down, the idea being that you use the engine retarder to slow the truck on the long decents saving the foot brakes for emergencies.Life always throws up surprises. Alex, as i found out was a computer programmer for the oil industry in the gulf, designing programs that operated the oil platforms. a really clever guy, He gave a running commentary of all the sights and history of the journey.Sadly his wife became ill and they came back to canada, and he was unable to find work in his feild so he started driving. I drove half the way negotiating the longest hill, and past the test.

Las Vagas

pictures at last

I finally got everything together so i've posted some pictures of my mentor trip to los angeles

Friday 9 July 2010

Nothing is ever simple

Spent yesterday hanging around waiting for a mentor trip to vancouver that never materialised,so went to mojo's, a sports bar near colins( the driver who has let me stay at his house). and had a couple of cokes, i am a professional driver now so no alcahol( yeh right).this morning i was called up and told to be in the yard at 12 noon to get a lift to cagary where a driver will pick me up and take me to vancouver.that is where i am now waiting for him in the drivers lounge in their yard at clgary, which is not too bad if i may say so myself. It has 2 beds, a shower, washing machine and drier, tv and lounge seats and of course free internet,all working and new not bad eh. I now have all my leads and will post so pictures on next blog.

Thursday 8 July 2010

return to canada

Loaded out of oxnard, out of the docks,(i had to be escorted to the loading bays by a docker as i was not a us citizen , and escorted out again at a cost of 80 dollars, what a con), a load of bananas for safeways, edmonton, alberta, we drove up to santa clarita,barstow,baker las vegas,salt lake, idaho falls, crossing at sweetgrass and into lethbridge where we dropped the trailer for a city driver to take to edmonton, a journey of 1670 miles in 2 days, what a drive, we team drove the truck to get the load in on time this ment i drove while the other driver slept and visa versa. The scenery was stunning and the weather was sunny and hot all the way, im starting to turn brown.The hardest thing is relying on other people to help as i have nowhere to leave my belongings, steve is driving his car around with my suit case in his boot, and i have a few things in a night bag, martin has lent me his sleeping bag and i am staying at a drivers house. to save hotel bills.tomorrow i will find out if i am going to vancouver as i have to be shown how to drive over this mountanous road,i will let you know how i get on. I wanted to post some pictures but i have left the leads in my suit case.

Saturday 3 July 2010

First day out

Today was my first mentor trip. we left the yard at 0800 this morning destination california, sounds posh don't it.Anyway i drove first down to idaho falls, which is about a third of the way stopping for a rest at mc common idaho.tmorrow we are going as far as las vegas to make a rest stop and watch the 4 july fireworks display and then onto los angeles to tip and reload back to canada.

Friday 2 July 2010

First trip out

Tommorrow im leaving the hotel and going out on my first mentor trip to america to learn the process of crossing the border, i have an early start so im off to bed.

Test day

Hi all, Passed my driving test this morning,what a relief.It was pouring down with rain and i got soaked, on the other hand the roads were quiet as it was a bank holiday week end.

Wednesday 30 June 2010

Now the driving test

Ive now passed all my classroom tests and have my driving test on fri morning.On thurs it canada day and everyone is off and normally take of fri to make a long weekend so im hoping the roads will be quiet. Its been really quiet here as all the drivers are still away, but i have become good friends with chris and diago the belgium drivers who are traing with me, they have a car and chaffeur me arround how lucky am i.

Sunday 27 June 2010

Week End off

Spent the w/e watching footie and sightseeing as all the drivers have gone back to work. Tomorrw i have to retake my hours reg test again so i will be revising again tonite, i also have a driving lesson in the morning, so look out you canadians dangerous dave has been let loose.Be free to leave comments on my blog or i am on skype between 13.30 14.30 gb if you would like a chat.
Ps just watched england lose, what a shambles we were made to look like a bunch of ametuers.

Friday 25 June 2010

More Tests

Spent all day yesterday in class followed by 2 tests.passed one failed the other, so have to take it again monday.Today again in class learning about their brake systems followed by another test, finished first out of 20 canadians got 2 out of 25 wrong passed with flying colours and a big thumbs up from instructor.i can now relax over the weekend. martin and carmen has arrived here and im going to have a beer with him and steve tonite.

Wednesday 23 June 2010

More training

I decided to take my knowledge test today toget it out the way and clear my mind for the next two days of class room instuctions.The test consisted of 30 questions and to pass i had to get 25 correct,well to my releif i passed getting 2 wrong.In the afternoon i had to learn how to do a pre-run check. this has to be done before each run of the day.Its a running comentary of checking each component of the truck to ensure it is safe to use on the road.I then went out on a road test.I met some other brit drivers and wives at the hotel tonite and seem like nice people and gave me a few tips and encouragement.Watched england beat slovakia then bed.

Tuesday 22 June 2010

My First Outing

Spent the morning swatting up on the highway code and decided to go for the test tomorrow as iwould not have time today.Got a lift to CK training and met my instuctor Donald a seasoned ex trucker and a real nice guy.After registering my licence and a few tips from don i was let loose on the open road. What a difference its like going back in time 10 years,with an old crash gear box.Still after a few goes around the block i started to get a handle on it, now all i have to do is get used to the length of the trailer, they are much longer than the europeans.Here other road users are very patient and never seem to be in a hurry and very curtious.Wish me luck for tomorrows test.

Monday 21 June 2010


had a good flight out didnt seem to long, even though the tv's were not working. i brought a sunday mait and read it cover to cover. breezed through imigration and aquired my work permit. I met Hans the imigration rep who took me to the hotel in lethbridge where i settled down and found the footie channel on the tv.

tues 22 june
Hans picked me up this morning with another driver from Belgium and his wife who are going to drive team. We first went to change my licence to a canadian one,then to social security to obtain a s.s number. We went next to the medical centre for a medical and drugs test.finally we went to H&R and me the boss.He seemed ok and gave a run down of the job. tmrw ihave a highway code test and must pass to be able to drive.
Went walmart and got some prvisions and a plug for my laptop as the bat went cooking chile now for tea so im going to eat that and watch footie,do some revision the bed, tomorrow we go for a test drive.

Friday 18 June 2010

waiting to go

Its really starting to feel real. ive been packing with jackie today and sorting out what i need to take..all my jobs are done around the house so i can leave with a clear mind.


Thursday 27 May 2010

Ive done it

Yep thats it. too late now ive handed in my notice at work.I have decided too leave and go on an adventure.

Sunday 14 February 2010

A new journey starts with the first step

After a lot of thought,soul seeking and concideration i have decided to take a leap of faith and start a new job in canada.Ive handed my notice in at work and will be finished on the 11 june. I have decided to take a week off before leaving to spend time with my family and complete any outstanding jobs.It has been a wrench to leave visbeens as i have been there for 4 years and well within my comfort zone, maybe thats the reason for my itchy feet, sometimes you need new challenges.Im going out with a completely open mind about the job and my future there,if i like canada i will stay and will happily retire or if things dont fall into place will come back home knowing that i have at least tried.
So here i am waiting for the 11th to come round and, like any one who has decided to change jobs, wondering if i have made the right decision. ill be ok once things get moving.My main concern are the people im leaving behind as im a big boy now and can look after myself.No its everybody else.Jackie, who i will be leaving behind till the house is sold,the worries she will have looking after the house,the bills, family affairs etc., i just wish the house was sold and we could go together.