Friday 9 July 2010

Nothing is ever simple

Spent yesterday hanging around waiting for a mentor trip to vancouver that never materialised,so went to mojo's, a sports bar near colins( the driver who has let me stay at his house). and had a couple of cokes, i am a professional driver now so no alcahol( yeh right).this morning i was called up and told to be in the yard at 12 noon to get a lift to cagary where a driver will pick me up and take me to vancouver.that is where i am now waiting for him in the drivers lounge in their yard at clgary, which is not too bad if i may say so myself. It has 2 beds, a shower, washing machine and drier, tv and lounge seats and of course free internet,all working and new not bad eh. I now have all my leads and will post so pictures on next blog.

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