Tuesday 13 July 2010

second mentor trip to vancouver

Finally got away from Calgary. I got picked by a canadian driver called alex, a really nice guy about the same age as me.He showed me how to drive over the rockies without using the brakes.there was some long hills about 5 miles long up and down, the idea being that you use the engine retarder to slow the truck on the long decents saving the foot brakes for emergencies.Life always throws up surprises. Alex, as i found out was a computer programmer for the oil industry in the gulf, designing programs that operated the oil platforms. a really clever guy, He gave a running commentary of all the sights and history of the journey.Sadly his wife became ill and they came back to canada, and he was unable to find work in his feild so he started driving. I drove half the way negotiating the longest hill, and past the test.

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