Monday 30 December 2013


Saturday 21st December
We'd again delivered in Columbus, Nebraska last week,  quick turnaround this time, only an hour before we had a load back upto Winnipeg. Came up on I29 entering Manitoba at Emerson.  As we came through into Canada it was an ice land, we'd had cold but this was now -30! The snow in Nebraska had been like walking in castor sugar, every snowflake seperate, here everthing was frozen solid, it did'nt look real.  The temperature fluctuated between -25 and -30, you could'nt even take your gloves off, maddy did'nt stay outside for very long before she started lifting her paws up, time to go in! Coming through customs despatch informed us their was to be a meat inspection, but in Saskatoon! a thousand mile round trip! madness! to then deliver back in Winnipeg.  Oh well extra mileage for us, but dave did'nt have enough hours to get back so the trailer was dropped in Brandon were we had a reset.  We already had our california job come through to start early saturday morning.delivering pork to Manteca, near San Francisco for christmas eve. We had made the decision a while ago to work Christmas day and New Years day as our christmas would be with the children at the end of january. It was too cold to do much in Brandon, so we spent a couple of hours at the mall and had lunch in Montana's, at outback steak bar, yum. After picking up trailer in Brandon
we arrived at border in Portal at 8am for meat inspection, 30 minutes later we were on our way through North Dakota on H85, we were looking forward to some warmer weather.  Through Montana joining the I94 at Glendive we had heavy snow and bad road conditions, no snow ploughs in sight, was it because it was saturday? Cattle, horses and deer all had their white fur coats on. We were heading for Billings for the night, by the afternoon the temperature was now -14, what a difference, no icy wind whipping across your face,  no finger tips freezing in your gloves, it could only get better.  We were entering Billings from the east so that would be different, but by then it would be dark.  We came into the valley, so there was not the usual
 vast spendor of lights from the cliff top.          
Sunday 22nd
We awoke at 5am to a blizzard.  The highway covered in a blanket of white.  We set of on I90, no snowploughs about.  It would be another couple of hours before the sun came up,  it was no good we had to get moving, with at least 500 miles to go today we had to make a start.  It was getting warmer though it was now -12.  We just got up the road and found a weigh station open! how sad is that! 6am and a sunday, the bloke obviously had no life! The blower was on so high to stop the windscreen from icing over i was finding it difficult to breath.  A truck thundered past incasing us in a billowing white cloud, for a few seconds dave was driving blind, slowing down, a block of ice dropped from the cab roof onto the windscreen making us both jump! It was another 30 minutes until light, the weather seemed to be worsening, great gusts of snow were thrown at us and the windscreen was gradually icing over.  We drove on into what seemed oblivion. It became light, i looked out at the landcape, frozn and still.  New Livingston, the snow eased up and the road became clear, we now needed to find somewhere to stop for breakfast, or to be more precise a restroom. The last two rest areas were closed so hopefully there would be a truck stop soon.  There was one at Livingston with a field behind which was a bonus.  I set off wiith maddy, it was now -1 with light snow, it seemed almonst mild.  The proposed route was to turn off on the H191 down towards Idaho Falls but because of the weather (our blizzard was back with a vengence) we did'nt fancy chaining up so we carried on the I90 until the H41 at Whitehall joining I15 at Dillon.  Travelling down towards Dillon was very pleasant, we were leaving the bad weather behind us.  The mountain range surrounded us, homesteads looked so much nicer covered in snow even with their scrap cars outside.  Both the Jefferson and Beaverhead rivers were only partially frozen,  small villages not on the map looked festive, cattle, horses, sheep and goats grazed some having fresh hay put out for them. Three men, hunters, rifles aloft, stood by a large group of wild geese, the geese did'nt seem a bit worried, just carried on preening. We passed by Black Canyon Resevoir, it was frozen over, there were quite a few fishing huts set out, men sat in fold up chairs ice fishiing, some even had their quad bikes, dave said he quite fancied it.  The cloud parted above the mountains and the sun shone.  We were stoppng at Idaho Falls to refuel, this was a really good truck stop called "dads" i would go in and have a browse.. At Pocatello we took I86 to Twin Falls.  Down through Idaho the road was quiet we played christmas songs and dave sang along.  Of course we'd been along this route before but it has been a while and everything looked different due the the winter season.  At 5.30 pm it was still light.
Monday 23rd
We passed over the canyon into Twin Falls in darkness.  Entering Nevada light was seeping through.  Jackpot was just neon signs for casinos and motels, such a contrast against the back drop.  We stopped at Wells for breakfast and a quick shower.  The mountains snow capped in the distance.  Travelling across on I80 heading towards Reno we had brilliant sunshine, blue skies, landscape covered in light snow.  At 4pm passing through Reno it was 10 degrees, we had stopped to take maddy for a walk, we were now only wearing our t-shirts, amazing, after having -30 a few days ago!  Entering California we were in the mountains, lovely green fir trees on ground covered snow, Truckee river flowing fast by our side. We were still on I80 making our way down to Sacremento.  The drop was for Menteca at 5am on christmas eve.  We would stop at the truck stop at Lodi tonight.  At 5pm we still had blue skies and hot sun.  We passed Lake Tahoe and climbed our way to the summit.  We stopped on Donner summit surrounded by woodland and had our tea, beef tortellini and bruschetta, yummy.  Maddy had a quick walk in the pines and then we were off to our final destination.  The sun disappeared behind the mountains in a mass of colour against the still blue sky, dusk steadily creeping up behind.
Christmas Eve
After the delivery we already had a reload.  We travelled down I5 towards Oxnard.  We were picking up a load of bananas for Calgary.  The trailer was loaded for us and waitng outside the yard, everyone had gone home.
Christmas Day
5.30am we were driving though LA, all palm trees and wide lane highway.  Picking up I15 for Las Vegas. We came up through the desert, joshua trees dotted the landscape, not a cloud in the sky, huge orange rock formations surrounded us, it was 20 degrees today what a shame we were heading back to the cold.  In Arizona we passed through Virgin River Gorge, the entrance is concealed by a bend in the road, it looks like the traffic is disappearing into the side of a mountain.  The cliffs were magnificant, real indian country.  This took us into Utah, coming into St George was like another planet, with the red cliffs and russet earth, mountains looming.  There were alot of palm trees here admittedly dried out.  The shopping malls were deserted today, just the truck stops and garages open.  Even backyards were quiet, just the occassional dog walker.  We'd been in four states since this morning, what a long day!
Boxing Day
Heading towards Salt Lake City the snow and cold were back with us.  Oranges and pinks streaked across the sky above the mountains.  We stopped at a flying j called Eagles Landing for breakfast, they had a petting zoo with emus, sheep, ponies and a zebra!  The I15 actually took us through Salt Lake City which was cloaked  with smog, we could see a few skyscrapers and a large domed building  The other side was heavy industrial with giant flumes of pollution everywhere, not nice to see. Into idaho.  On Devils Creek Resevoir , near Downey, more people were icefishing with their bright multi coloured tents.  We stopped at Butte in Montana to refuel and spend the night, tomorrow we would deliver in Calgary.

Santa had obviously no idea where we were!  hopefully he would catch up with us at the Lodge in  Bragg Creek.

We would like to wish all our friends and family who follow our travels on the blog a very happy new year.

Lots of love dave, jackie and maddy.xxxxxx              

Friday 20 December 2013


Saturday 7th December
We were sat in Babcock,Winsconsin, our second day of waiting for a load of fresh cranberries, it was only a small company and they obviously could'nt keep up with the demand.  It was nice here though, a winter wonderland.  Across the road were woods so maddy enjoyed it.  It was -13 today, salepetts an ski gloves. We'd been in America all week, after Washington we'd been sent upto Delta, Vancouver, for our return load to Calgary as it was Thanksgiving there were no loads from America.  From Calgary we'd gone to Columbus, Nebraska, using the usual route.  There was plenty of snow storms about but we had managed to keep just in front of them.  We'd had some time off in Columbus, we know where everything was and enjoyed the time doing some christmas shopping.  From Columbus we travelled with an empy trailer to Wisconsin. While waiting for our load at Delta dave managed to lock us out of the truck!  I'd only just taken maddy out, she was waiting for her tea but i was'nt too worried about that.  We were going into the supermarket for our tea, i got the blame for dave not taking the keys out of the ignition, apparently i was rushing him! There was no way to get in, maddy was clever but not clever enough to open the door with her paw! Breakdown had to be called. I wandered aimlessly towards the supermarket wondering how long this episode was going to take!  Breakdown arrived eventually,  it was rush hour so he had done pretty well, between them with a bit of wire they managed to open the lock (luckily my door dos'nt completely shut) before i had fnished the shopping!
Sunday 8th
We eventually got our cranberries yesterday late afternoon, we did'nt travel far though until we stopped for the night, it had been a long day.  Everything this morning was covered with a fresh layer of snow.  As we travelled upto Minnesota on I94 the weather got steadily worse, a icy snow mist wafted across the highway, low cloud, a bleak winters day.  We stayed on the I94 upto Fargo, the weather staying with us all morning. For about 30 minutes near Fargo the sun came out and the countryside was all aglow, the fields covered in a smooth silky snow, bare trees streaked with frost glittered in the sunlight.  After fueling up at Fargo we entered North Dakota, the bleakness had returned, ground and sky matched as one.  We stayed on the I94 until Jamestown heading for Minot, we would cross the border in the morning at Portal into Saskatchewan. A couple of days ago we'd decorated the truck with a garland and lights in the dashboard and red tinsel with snowflakes around inside, so this afternoon we played christmas songs to cheer ourselves up.            

Saturday 7 December 2013


Monday 25th November
We arrived back in Calgary after having another weekend in Canmore.  We'd been able to have a good look round this time as the snow held off, but there was still plenty on the ground.  Surprise, surprise the truck wasn't ready (it had been in the garage having a couple of things done but should of been ready for pick up this afternoon) so H&R put us in the travelodge.  We hung around next morning waiting.  Booked out at 11am and did a bit of shopping but there was only so much shopping you could do!  Wait for it! the truck was still in the garage at 6pm! we had had enough, we were so fed up.  After the garage boss had left dave decided to unpack the car and move us back into the truck (apparently drivers were not allowed in workshop) it was after 8pm when we were able to drive out.  Because of all this we were  given a california job! yippee! we were leaving early in the morning, the trailer had a weight issue which was getting sorted during the night.
Wednesday 27th
The weight had'nt been sorted! we had to go back to the company for them to rejig it.  After waiting another couple of hours with new paperwork issued, we were ready for the off, only to find the truck now had a puncture! apparently we were in a queue of 8 due to the bad weather. It was 3pm before we moved, another day wasted.  We might make the border but meat inspection was another story.  Hurray! due to it being Thanksgiving tomorow everyone obviously wanted to get home.  We were at border at 7pm and got to meat inspection with 5 minutes to spare.  By 8pm we were parked up the night, we just could'nt believe it!
Thursday 28th
Set of early this morning, message from despatch to change trailers with a team at Great Falls, customer was insisting on his delivery to still be friday, we would never make it, so our job was now changed to Washington. We drove across Montana and joined the I90 at Missoula  We drove down the mountain into Idaho, a 6% gradient.  The valley below was still covered in snow and frost where the sun was so low it had'nt reached the top of the mountain.  There were a couple of villages in the valley, you could smell the woodsmoke, but so depressing steeped in darkness and damp. It was Thanksgiving today here in America and the roads were quiet, most places were closed, even the weigh stations!  Thanksgiving was bigger here than christmas, they had talked about nothing else all week on the radio, turkey and pumpkin pie.  Families travelling miles to be together.  They had had really bad weather in  New York at the weekend.  We had watched the news on TV, flights were being cancelled, it reminded us of a film with John Candy and Steve Martin "Planes, Trains and Automobiles"  Late afternoon we had glimpses of the huge body of water that was Coeur d'Alene Lake. At 4.30pm the sun was low, just above the trees, sky turning crimson, the lake a mixture of mist and ice. Last week at Lethbridge while waiting for a trailer we had walked around Henderson Lake with maddy.  The lake had frozen over completely and kids were playing ice hockey on it.
Friday 29th
Into Washington. It was all mountains this morning.  Over the Snoqualmie Pass.  Numerous waterfalls frozen against the rock looking like candle wax.  We made it to Sumner for the 9am delivery, dave had received a message from the boss "awesome job" if the boss was on our case then hopefully we would get a reload straight back and get our "promised good run" i wasn't going to hold my breath though!      

Sunday 24 November 2013


24th November
These past couple of weeks we had been back and forth through the Rockies delivering and reloading in Vancouver.  Everytime we came through the Rockies they looked different either due to the weather or time of day.  We had forgotten how beautiful Lake Shuswap was, driving alongside and down through Salmon Arm had the best views ever from dawn to dusk.  I knew this route so well i did'nt even pick up the map, every village, town, rest area and truck stop, dave still followed his sat nav though!   The Coquihalla mountain was set in a range, i'd mentioned it before, it was pretty special.  The Coquihalla highway ran from Kamloops to Hope. We'd watched a canadian tv program about a Mr Davis who patrolled the Coquihalla highway with his team of men with breakdown trucks.  He was so specialized he could lift a full size rig out of a ditch upright and intact. The programme was along the same lines as Ice Road Truckers, it was fascinating to watch but unfortunately we hav'nt been able to get the dvd.  Last saturday we set of back across for delivery in Calgary.  We left Hope at 5.30am.  We had had heavy snow in the night and upon reaching the Coquihalla highway we were waved into the chain up area with other trucks.  It was dark and cold.  Dave had never chained up before even when he was here in winter last time.  It was warm clothes on and torch in hand we joined the others trying to make sense of these massive heavy chains. It was'nt as bad as we'd thought, we managed to get the chains on and locked into position. The chains went on 2 wheels, the drive axels and were locked with a key.  We drove on at 30ml/hr.  Over the summit the road cleared so we were able to stop and take them off, of course this was so much easier. There was snow, ice and fog and it was quite scary going through the avalanche areas, we had all that to come!  One trip took us back towards Jasper, to Edmonton, the roads through the Rockies here were like an ice rink, not much had been gritted and dave concentrated on keeping the truck on the road. Of course the scenery was amazing, snow laden fir trees, frozen lakes and waterfalls, with mountains tops shimmering in the sunshine, it more than made up for the slow journey.  Nearly at Jasper i took some photos off Mount Fitzwilliam looming up infront of us. Upon reaching Edmonton the snow and fog was even thicker.  We waited until the next day to get a load back to Calgary and the snow never let up.  We were going away again this weekend to Canmore, staying in the Rocky Mountain Inn, dave now had a pair of snow boots too!      

Saturday 9 November 2013



Saturday 2nd November
We dropped truck in yard early and picked up car.  We could'nt believe the weather, we'd had heavy snow overnite and it was still snowing.  We were off to The Rockies for the weekend and were worried due to the conditions if it was safe to drive there.  Dave started cautiously, there was'nt much traffic around and the roads were very icy. The car had four wheel drive and some of the roads had been gritted.  We made our way to Kananaskis Country, into the village, not much there so we went onto the ski lodge, obviously up hill! this was were the action was, people milling around with skis and snowboards, it was the first weekend the lodge was open, lucky! and they had the snow!  we sorted out some packages for the kids and had a mooch around, there was a cafereria, shop and lockers if needed.  We stayed in the carpark for a while and let maddy play in the snow.  We went on into Canmore, about 15 minutes further on.  It was a picture! very quaint, lots of different shops, with the snow it looked like Austria, wooden buildings and fir trees outside.  Two big supermarkets aswell, Safeways and Sobeys of which Jamie Oliver has been advertising just like Sainsburys at home.  So this would be our nearest town when we were staying at Deer Lodge, Bragg Creek.  We did'nt get to walk round Canmore as it was still snowing quite hard, we did pop into one shop "Snowy Owl Dog Tours"  we took maddy in with us, it was full of dog clothes and equipment for Husky dog sledging.  We bought maddy a new warm coat, red and white fleece with reindeers on, very festive!  We found out prices etc for our trip with the Huskies.  We then went looking for our hotel, not far from town we found the Canmore Rocky Mountain Inn, it was everything we needed, ground floor so we could just let maddy out and a large wood fire, very cozy.  Maddy had great fun in the snow, by the morning it was at least 10inches deep and came upto the top of my snow boots. After breakfast we set of for Banff.  It had stopped snowing so after driving through the town we parked up to explore.  We were near a large park with a river and band stand, also two museums.  The town had a long main street with so many interesting shops and places to eat.  We were so looking forward to bringing the kids here. I took some photos trying to capture the essence of the place.  All in all it had been a good couple of days.          

Sunday 3 November 2013


Wednesday 23rd October
 We picked up trailer for Calgary at 4pm, it meant working until about 10, but hopefully we would get a job back down south.  Even though it was sunny it was so cold. We left Saskatoonon on H7, we had a couple of hours of light left.

Monday 28th
The last few days we'd had another trip to Columbus, Nebraska.  Now it was Kansas City, a place called Marshall.  We travelled down past Omaha on I29.

Tuesday 29th
We passed through Kansas City but could'nt see much due to heavy rain.  They seemed to like their fireworks down here, everywhere along the interstate were warehouses and supermarkets selling them with hugh adverts on the billboards.  It was only two days to haloween and it was constantly on the radio, it was such a big thing here, loads of stuff in the shops and everyone talking about their costumes, mainly the adults!Walmart had huge pumpkins for sale outside, you could only fit one in a trolley! The trailer was loaded in the afternoon with pork, we made our way back up on I29.

Wednesday 30th
Two days of rain, on our right near St Joseph we could see an electric storm, it was still dark and the lightening lit up the sky every second.  We did'nt see much of Kansas City again, thick fog all the way up I29 to Fargo.  Snow on the ground just past Watertown.  Amongst the traffic a huge deer jumped over the central reservation and ran infront of our truck, then just started grazing! We fueled up at Fargo and then headed into North Dakota on I94 as far as Jamestown.

Thursday 31st
At last the sun, we had'nt seen it for a while, the last two days had been a blur of rain, fog and headlights.  The last stretch up through North Dakota on H281 towards the border at Portal, Saskaatchewan. Hundreds of geese were sat resting in the fields.  Some of the lakes had started to freeze.  At Carrington we turned onto H52 towards Minot where we would refuel. The delivery was in Calgary early tomorrow morning.  We were then going to the Rockies for a couple of days, staying in Canmore and visiting Banff. We were going to suss out the activities for the kids in january ie Skiing, dog sledging and snowmobiles.      

Tuesday 22 October 2013


11th October
We waited until today to get a job, two others had come through previously but had been cancelled within the hour, apparently a few drivers were hanging round waiting.  We amused ourselves by a bit of retail therapy and long walks.  We had also got hooked on "Game Of Thrones".  It was back to Nebraska! A load from Cargills tomorrow morning.

12th October
Woke up to snow, what a surprise! more snow to come, that was fine we were off to America!  Last week South Dakota had had 15inches of snow, when we got to Bell Fourche it was evident, trees were down and a few roofs had been damaged.   There was snow piled up everywhere.  Going on through,  the Dakota hills and fields were still covered.  You could feel the crispness in the air.  By the time we reached Kodoka the snow had dissappeared.  Sunday was a lovely sunny day, we were delivering in Columbus and would get there later today.

Monday 14th
Rain, rain and more rain.  It was Columbus day, a holiday in America and we were in Columbus!  It was actually Thanksgiving day in Canada. We were waiting for a return load..  After lunch we picked up a trailer at the Cargill plant and had it washed out so we were ready to GO!

Wednesday 16th
We waited until this afternoon for our return load, there were other drivers waiting too.  Craig and Rebecca, they had the most adorable puppy, and a guy called Pete, we all got our return loads that afternoon.  Ours was dog food for Mississauga (Toronto) So again the same journey upto Windsor near Detroit to cross the border, no inspection this time. We got maddy an american scarf to wear, she seemed happy!

Friday 18th
Up at 5am (7am here in Ontario) Lovely sunny morning, making our way to delivery on H401.  We already had our return load to Saskatoon, to be picked up later today.  Oh well over the Prairies again, at least we knew where we were going and where the good stops were.  

Saturday 19th
Rain had set in as we made our way through Ontario on H11..It was a long day, the rain never let up and occassionally turned to sleet.  We stopped at Kapuskasing for a shower and then drove another hour up the road to stay the night at Hearst.  It was dark by now.

Sunday 20th
Away at 5.30am.  It was -5C and one of Ontarios first frosts, a blanket of white, mist lingered over the still lakes,  the moon was full and clear and even though it was light it was still high in the sky in front of us. We could see the sun rising above the fir trees in our rearview mirrors.  We stopped at Klotz lake for breakfast, it looked so different from a few weeks ago, the lake was covered in mist, it was quite spooky! Lake Nipigon was still, with only a few ducks to break the surface waters.  We reached the state line just as it got dark and parked up.  We had had all weathers in the afternoon, sun, sleet and snow showers.

Monday 21st
Winter had arrived! we awoke to snow and it was still snowing.  We passed Winnipeg and stopped for a shower and breakfast.  I was so glad i had bought a hair dryer last week so i did'nt have to walk across the truck stop with wet hair, we had heard of a girl whose wet hair had snapped off in the cold!  It was almost dusk and the sun was going down on our left, we were heading for Saskatoon.  Sunlight had caught the underbellies of hundreds of geese in flight against the darkening sky, they would of been invisible to us otherwise.            

KLOTZ LAKE Nr Longlac Ontario

SQUIRREL ! Montreal Park

Tuesday 8 October 2013


Thursday 3rd October
We spent an extra day in Montreal as the load was'nt ready until today, we did'nt mind, the weather was lovely and we found a park near the river.  The load was yogurt for Rocky View in Calgary.  It was noon when we picked up trailer from the H&R yard.  We took H417 through to Ottawa, because of the time difference it was rush hour here, LA all over again!  At Arnprior we were on H17 upto North Bay.  And then on H11.  We stopped at New Liskeard for the night.  Dave had driven into late evening as we had a long way to go and he did'nt book on until 11am this morning.

Friday 4th
Oh so bleak now after all the colour we had had, just fading yellows against the firs now.  We were headed for Nipigon tonight, we had to do about 650 miles each day to reach the calagary delivery.  There were moose and bear warnings along the roadside reminding me that winter was coming.  It was definately alot cooler today, just yesterday we were in Montreal with brilliant sunshine, but i was starting to think about my socks and boots put away in the case.  There was so much sky, it was pale blue and grey with a sheet of dimpled cloud.  The sun was shining across the tops of the yellow trees.  Just before Matteson there was a large, very pretty cemetry next to the roadside (i've been corrected apparently i should'nt say graveyard) Now most of the homesteads had stacks of logs outside.  It was halloween at the end of the month but already people were decorating their front doors and porches with pumpkins, dried flowers and lanterns. The houses here along the highway were rundown but some had massive solar panels in their gardens.  Hearst looked completely different from the last time we were here, then it had been really cold, snowing and the roads slushy, today it was sunny and clean.  Just past Hearst on Carey lake was a small airport, the planes were landing on the lake. Only a handfull of properties between Hearst and Longlac, hardly any traffic.  This part of the highway the countryside was eyecatching, the road stretched ahead lined with firs with just a few yellow trees peeking through, large groups of boulders with creeks and lakes between, the forest floor was covered in bright green grasses, bullrushes and creamy headed thistles decorated the roadside, everything sparkled in the sunlight.  At Klotz lake we stopped for photo shoot!  We refueled at Nipigon, it was dark already, decided to drive onto Thunder Bay.

Saturday 5th
Raining.  Up at 5.30am.  We were parked in Walmart carpark so were able to get a few supplies before we hit the road again.  7am we were off on H17.  So glad we had the satalite radio, during the week "mash up" was on early with chat, celebrity gossip and chart music.  Hugh Jackson had been on and said he listens with his kids, his favourite record was "blurred lines" yes!  It was still raining off and on but seemed to inhance the landscape here, there was nothing but sky.   Passed into Manitoba, the flat lands! Around Winnipeg on the perimeter H100 hoping the get to Brandon for the night. We fueled up at Headingly and then onto H1.  It got so dark, we listened to first part of Lee Evans biography (a christmas present from sophie).

Sunday 6th
As the sun came up the horizon was streaked with colour, from cool aquas to bright blues, pink engulfed the cloud and covered the sky all around us.  The landscape might be boring but the sky continued to amaze us. There were alot of geese flyng around this morning, some were just sat in the fields. Into Saskatchewan. Through Regina stopping at Moose Jaw to refuel.  We were making good progress today, i suppose because the roads were so flat and straight.    Into Alberta, it was 3.30pm, the sun had become hotter, the prairies were a bit more interesting, farms with cattle and horses plus backyards to peek into, still alot of sky and flat land though.  Medicine Hat was quite big and ran into Redcliff.  We only went around the outskirts but apparently it has the biggest shopping centre in Alberta. The sun went down behind the Rockies as we drove towards Calgary, the cloud looked like honeycomb, it was amazing, it was as if there was another world up there.              

Tuesday 1 October 2013


Tuesday 24th September
Truck was'nt ready yesterday, only a 10 minute job but it took them all day! H&R put us up in a Travelodge. Picked up truck about 11.30am, we were going to Nebraska! Took up an empty trailer to Cargills (another meat processing plant) in High River and picked up a loaded one, it was now quite late so stayed in Lethbridge yard overnight, early start tomorrow to border.

Wednesday 25th
Made our way to Sweetgrass.  The load was booked in for delivery friday am in Schuyer.  This was the quickest time through border yet!  We could'nt believe it, we were only at meat inspection for 30 minutes! Just goes to show how quick it can be.  Maddy did'nt get her run across the fields though.  We were stopping at Shelby to fuel up.  It was cooler now, the sun was out but there was alot of low cloud as we entered Montana.  Just past Sweetgrass was a small town called Sunburst, what a lovely name, it has a lake by its side which looks quite salty due to the residue on its edges but it had loads of small ducks on.  We were travelling down on I15 past Great Falls onto H87.  Just before Lewistown we turned onto H191 to Harlowton.  It was raining now off and on. It looked like the farmers had finished harvesting their crops in Montana.  Last night near High River we saw 8 combines in one field, it was dusk, they had their lights on all working alongside eachother, it was quite a sight to see.  We were now on H12 heading towards Billings, we'd visited Billings before, it was a huge town set in a valley.  The rain had stopped and the sky was bright ahead.  Dead Mans Basin was on our left, only it did'nt look dead this time, the grass and trees were green.  Oh no a dead skunk on the road, dave hates the smell, i do'nt think its that bad!  There were small farms everywhere you looked and cattle wandering and grazing the hillsides, it made us laugh when one would be left behind and would trot along, head up, eager to catch up with the others.  About 20 minutes outside Billings was pretty bleak, flat lands with hundreds of pylons.  It was raining again, harder this time, even more bleak!  We came down a hill, 8% gradient (the Rockies are 6%) overlooking Billings on a cliff edge, it was amazing, it looked like a model we were so high up.  We were now on the I90, in Crow country, passing Big Horn, Custors last stand and on the right of us Wolf Mountains.  At Little Big Horn Battlefield we took H212 to Broadus, hoping to park up there for the night.  You could tell we were getting near Dakota as the landscape had changed dramatically, we were high up amidst cloud and the hills were covered with fir trees.

Thursday 26th
Into South Dakota this morning.  Stopped at Rapid City to refuel.  I'm logging the fuel now and doing the expenses.  We can cash a company cheque at the truck stops which will pay for faxes, weigh in's and tolls etc.  We were making our way across on I90 to Sioux Falls.  It was lovely and sunny again,, just a few clouds in the pale blue sky.. There were alot of references to cowboys here, more so than in any other state, western shops, saloons and billboards advertising western wear and buffalo burgers.  We passed fields of dried sunflowers ready for harvesting, they must have been an amazing sight a few months ago.  The landscape was beautiful,  small rollings hills with gulleys between filled with trees and bushes which had started to change colour,  all shades of reds,  oranges and yellows. We stopped for lunch just past Vivian, the landscape was now flat, most of the fields a burnt orange with the occassional small lake, a deep dark blue, the surface rippling in the breeze.  The clouds were gone, just blue sky and brilliant sunshine.  Near Chamberlain we went over the Missouri river, we turned off on H81 near Salem towards Yankton.  There  were fields of crops now, some we did'nt recognise. At the state line we went over the Missouri river again, we were now in Nebraska!

Friday 27th
5.30 am, down to Norfolk to fuel up and have breakfast. It was just light and there was a storm brewing.  Forklightning in fornt of us and sheets of rain on our left.  We drove past it into brilliant sunshine.  It was getting hot already.  8.30am we arrived at plant (another Cargills funny enough! oh the smell!)  strange how we were bringing meat from Canada when they had their own processing plant here?) we just had to drop trailer.  Our reload came in for Quebec! Pickup another loaded trailer here and deliver in Montreal.  We were only here 30 minutes, the trailer seemed heavy so we were stopping at the scales down the road (there wer'nt any on site) Dave moved the axels on his own as no way was i getting out of the cab here! When we scaled the front of the trailer was still a ton over weight so we had to move axels again (i helped this time) We drove from Schuyler through Freemont into Blair. Not much to say about Nebraska of what we saw of it, just cornfields oh and pesky flies! Back again over Missouri river into Iowa.  Stopped at Loveland for an early lunch then onto the I680, then the I80 heading for Des Moins, pesky flies are still here!  Passed through De Soto, John Waynes birthplace and over the South Raccoon River.  We stopped on the outskirts of Des Moines to refuel.  Went around on I35 and joined the I80 heading towards Davenport.  The landscape in Iowa was much the same as Nebraska only we noticed the fields had grass lanes between them, mostly cut, what were they for i wonder? a fire break or just access?  We stopped just outside Davenport at "Iowa 80" the largest truck stop in the world! At last the pesky flies have gone back to Nebraska!

Saturday 28th
My birthday, we went into the restaurant at Iowa 80 for breakfast, yummy! Dave mooched around at all the shiny truck parts, they actually had two brand new kenworth trucks in the shop to look at, i coud'nt believe
they actually went on the road,  they looked so good! Into Illinois over the Mississippi.  A bright sunny day. We were headed for Gary, through Chicago on the I80. We stopped at a nice rest area near Princeton (near where Ronald Reagan was born)  I picked some bullrushes to decorate the lodge in January, I'd already started collecting fircones.  I had shared out the large ones we had at home for christmas decorations between kirsty and sophie, grandee had collected them for us from the New Forest all those years ago.  It was noon when we reached Indiana.  Fueling up at Gary.  Then on upto Detroit, Michigan on I94.  This interstate was mostly tree lined and autumn had definately arrived here.  It was such a hot day,  it did'nt smell like autumn.

Sunday 29th
Up at first light and made our way to the border at Windsor, Ontario.  Detroit was quiet, we watched the sun come up in front of us, a blazing ball of orange.  We went over the Ambassordor Bridge to customs. Meat inspection was in an industrial area not far from customs.  All okay.  On our way on I401 towards Toronto.  Upto Chatham, the surrounding countryside was dotted with wind turbines amongst the farms and small towns.  A couple were being constructed by the roadside, a crane was on site, they were huge close up.  We fueled up at Mississauga. Toronto was big and spread out, some high rises but not as many as you'd expect.  The 401 expressway ran through the centre and we were on it, fast and furious! We stayed on the 401, past Kingston the fir trees started to take over and the terrain became rocky..  There was a 2 hour time difference so even though it was 5pm our time it was 7pm here and starting to get dark.  We were stopping soon and would deliver tomorrow.

Monday 30th
Not up till 7am today, a lay in! Delivery was'nt till 3pm and we did'nt have far to go, a  place called Chambly, Montreal.  Another bright and sunny morning, apparently Alberta have 65/mph winds, so glad were not in Calgary.  Another dead skunk!  thats woke dave up!  The different coloured trees lok a picture against the clear blue sky.  Just past Cornwall we could see St Lawrence alongside us on the right. Into Quebec.  We were so fortunate as not many H&R drivers came here, they would usually stop at Brampton, near Toronto and a local driver would take over.  Immediately everything turned french!  Road signs, billboards and shops.  We drove through the centre of Montreal,  like most cities it was a mixture of old and new.  Some flyovers and roads were falling apart.  It even smelt like france, we were at traffic lights outside a bakery and i swear i could smell croissants!  We went over the Pont Chamlain Bridge.  Ten minutes later we were in Chambly.  A Cargills, but only a distribution compay, no smells and green fields all around what  a difference.  We were early but did'nt wait too long before the unloading started, but it took them 2 hours they must of been counting every box!  We then headed back to the H&R yard near the airport in Montreal and dropped the empty trailer.  We now had a 34 hour break. Our new job would be on wednesday am.  Hopefully we would skype the kids tomorrow.                     .        

Sunday 22 September 2013


Saturday 14th
Meat inspection ran true to form, all pallets off and checked.  Took maddy across the fields while waiting. Stopped at Shelby at 9.30am to refuel and then at last on our way, travelling down through Montana on I15 into Idaho and Nevada, heading for Sacremento.  Driving through Montana i was surprised how lush it had become.  We made it to Idaho Falls by 7pm, 600 miles since leaving Sweetgrass, that was good going considering the hold ups.  The truck stop at Idaho Falls was good, after having a shower we browsed at the merchandise, alot of it was indian, we bought a couple of christmas presents.

Sunday 15th
Up at 5am, still pitch black. Picked up a coffee from truck stop and we were on our way.  When light we stopped for breakfast near Blackfoot.  We passed Pocatello, onto Twin Falls, stopping at a scenic layby to take photos of canyon just before the town.  Now Nevada, hot day, on I80 heading towards Reno, it is so bright, all sky and desert, road stretched ahead, mountains in the distance. This was casino country, all the truck stops and small towns had them, neon lights glaring from a distance.  We stopped early, 4.30pm, well it is sunday, its so hot! a place called Winnemucca .  Opposite the truck stop was a huge graveyard, it was very well looked after, we've noticed that they have their sites in very prominent positions in their towns.

Monday 16th    
Left this morning just as the sun came up, a warm pink glow behind the mountains.  The mountains started to light up and there was a low mist surrounding them.  The sun came up behind us and suddenly the valley was bathed in sunshine.  Maddy was restless this morning, gave her a few biscuits and she settled down, obviously wanting her breakfast too!  The road ahead stretched towards the mountains, thats where we were headed, stopping near Lovelock for breakfast and refueling at Fernley.  From Fernley to Sparks the river Truckee ran along side us.  Sparks and Reno was one big city set in a valley, a small Las Vegas!  Into California now, still in the mountains, they are now covered with fir trees.  Lake Truckee is still with us.  We stopped at Donner Summit just past Lake Tahoe for a couple of hours, walked along a trail in the woods, it was so peaceful, took a few photos, never thought California was so mountainous but then we were north this time.  We were on our way to Sacremento.  Our first drop was on the outskirts, we had plenty of time as it was booked in for tomorrow am.  It took 90 mins to come down form the summit, only 30 miles from Sacremento, it was really busy this side, lots of restaurants, motels and large properties to peek at through the trees.  We saw our first palm trees amongst the firs, now we knew we were in California!  It was a shame we did'nt drive through Sacremento but the highway bypassed it.  Some highways take us right through the middle.  We parked up early and sat in the sunshine for a while, it was extremely hot,  i only managed 30 mins before i moved to the shade with dave and maddy

Tuesday 17th
Arrived at Tonys Fine Foods at 8am.  Straight onto bay to unload.  It was a big place.  The sun was just coming up.  Our 2nd drop was Orland, up the I5.  On the way to Orland we passed numourous olive groves.  We turned off I5 and drove into the countryside, the company was in the middle of nowhere.  While dave was unloaded me and maddy walked along the olive trees, i tasted one, yuck! it needs more oil!.  We had a reload already from Salinas, so after lunch we went back down I5, turned off on I505.  It was mostly farmland now.  Turned onto I80 towards San Francisco.  In the hills, how quickly the landscape changes. The grassy hills were yellow with green trees dotted about, quite a contrast.  In some areas the hills had been scorched from grass fires, we actually saw Fire and Rescue putting one out by the side of the road. We saw "blossom Hill" road.  The interstate went through San Jose, it was good to see, but the traffic was horrendous.  Large properties were set in the surrounding hills flanked by palm trees.  It had cooled a bit now, 6.30pm about an hour away from Salinas.  I wanted my tea but had to cook it first!  it was a bit like LA and New York here nowhere for truck to stop, it had been a long drive down from Orland.  They were selling cherries and garlic along the roadside, and there were fields of iceberg lettace all around.  This was growing land, we were picking up berries for our return load, it was'nt ready until 8pm tomorrow and due in Calgary sunday at 6.30am, so we had a day to spend relaxing in the sunshine.      

Wednesday 18th
We did have a very relaxing day!  sat in sunshine all afternoon, did first part of blog in morning, but dismayed to see when it was published that the alighnments were f....d! dave is going to try and sort but i might have to seek my tutor ronan (my drinking buddy) help.  I cooked Spagetti Carbonara ( a family fav, the egg one!) for tea, we got a bottle of wine from the local shop, also fresh coriander, no parsley, but it did fine Yum!    We went and loaded trailer at 8pm and parked up the night.

Thursday 19th
Not such an early start, dave set alarm but turned it off and went back to sleep oops!  The pickers were out, head scarves on to protect them from the sun.  Decided to go a different way to avoid the toll.  Got on H152 to I5 upto Sacremento.  We passed a village called Casa d' Frutas, it was'nt on the map but had truck parking and a large outside fruit and veg stall, we would have to remember for next time. We passed San Luis Reservoir, it was beautiful,  rolling hills and a huge expanse of water, good decision to come this way especially when we heard on radio there was an accident on Blossom Hill road in San Jose.  Santa Nell was truckers paradice!  just a small  town but restaurents etc were all accessable with a trailer also a large truck stop surrounded by palm trees, definitley put this one on the map.  Moving on there were groves of oranges and lemons either side of us.  Both the Californian Aquaduct and Delta Mendora Canal ran along side us until the road forked at exit 446 and we went over bridges for both.  In Stockton we saw an icecream and chocolate outlet! only in America!  Drove through part of Sacremento, i was so pleased, the buildings looked new, apparentlly there is an old town  We were back on I80.  They are absolutely obsessed with weight over here, we stopped at so many weigh stations, what difference does it make, the truck weighs the same however distributed, dave says "its all about the money"

Sunday 22nd
Arrived in Calary yard at 6.30pm  We stopped by Lethbridge and i drove car up, a two hour drive believe it or not.  Dave dropped trailer and that was us until tuesday morning, the truck was going in garage to have the new inverter fitted on monday, so we had 2 days to explore Calgary, now we had the car.  We were staying in a hotel on sunday night so that would be a treat!

Wednesday 18 September 2013


Sunday 8th September
Were back! Flight okay but i had to sit next to a smelly man!
After picking up car in Calgary yard we went to look at Deer House, hard to find as dave had`nt
thought to ask address or directions! We found it eventually and it was everything we had dreamed
of, so looking forward to kids seeing it in january.  Drove back to Lethbridge to stay in Sandman,
arrived 9.30pm (4.30am back home) what a long day.

Monday 9th
After breakfast as Dennys we picked maddy up, so pleased to see her, she had been well looked
after, would sit with owner on settee during the day and had her own rocking chair in her kennel.
We got some supplies from walmart and then went to load up truck.  It had been in the garage the
whole time dave had been away so luckily no-one had used it.  Unfortunately the inverter had'nt
been repaired (they were waiting for some to come in) that meant no kettle, toaster, microwave and
no laptop! I wished i'd known before i did our shopping (lucky we have a gas cooker)  It took about
6 hours to unpack everything from the car and find its place in the truck.  After we had eaten we
went to Henderson Lake, i drove the car for the first time, it was weird driving on the other side
of the road, take a bit of getting used to, so worried i would turn on other side.  Our first job came
through for Washington, early start tomorrow.

Tuesday 10th
We were headed for Pasco, delivery for the 11th am.  We left at 5am through Crows Nest Pass,
Fernie and Cranbrook towards US border.  My green card had expired so had to apply for a new
one.  I was'nt very happy, dave was sent back to bring truck down  and a couple of customs
officers made me very uncomfortable to say the least!  I was glad to get back to the truck an leave.
Into Idaho on I95 through Bonners Ferry and Sandpoint, of course we had been here before but it
was nice driving through them again, everything being familiar.  We stopped at Post Falls near
Coeur d'Alene to fuel up and i took maddy for her walk, she immediately recognised the place
and was so excited.  We carried on through Spokane on I90 down to Pasco.

Wednesday 11th
The load was'nt booked in until 11am but we got there early and it was taken off at 9.  While
dave was busy i took maddy for a walk around the grounds of the local pemises they all had
lovely green lawns with fir trees, the sun was out, not a cloud in the sky, it was going to be
another hottie, 95 degrees yesterday! we were in shorts and flip flops, it still felt we were on
It was'nt long to wait before our return load came through.  Onions for Calgary, not far from where
we were.   We left Pasco after lunch and travelled back upto Post Falls.  Picked up paperwork
for the truck for customs (company faxes it through to truck stop) and carried on upto border.
The authorisation (parrs) for the load had'nt been passed yet by customs so we had to park up and

Thursday 12th
Dave was up at 5am, hoping the Parrs would come through, it was 8am before we got word.
Over the border.  It took us until 5pm to get upto Calgary, there were so many roadworks, but
the sun was shining so we were okay and our job had come through for tomorrow, Calfornia!

Friday 13th (unlucky for some) yes us!
We were picking up trailer from Brooks (meat processing plant) not my favourite place, it was'nt
ready until noon and we were booked in at meat inspection for 7pm after the border.
We spent morning at flying J truckstop in Calgary, it had everything here.  Dave bought a satelite
radio and spent a long time trying to sort it out! we needed it as the local radio stations done my
head in with all the adverts.  Infront of us was a large green lawn seperating us from the main road,
i watched the prairee dogs peeking up from their burrows, they are so cute, maddy loves them but
is'nt quick enough to catch one.  Dave had shown me how to attach trailer to the truck, by plugging
in the brakes, air, electrics and winding up the legs, checking tyres etc, so this was now my job,
weather permitting ofcourse!  I wonder if we were going to see our family of pelicans on our way
to Brooks?
We didnt make meat inspection,, sat all afternoon at Brooks, four numbers were missing off of
paperwork, it had been sent back upto the office and we just sat waiting in truck outside security,
i felt like going in and screaming, but no i sat calm very unlike me!  I could'nt eat or drink because
of the smell, all windows were shut but it still crept in. Maddy was on the bed, not once got up,
she also could sense where we were, no walkies here.
5.30pm dave still messing with radio.  I'm getting hungry now hope it won't be too much longer.
Dave thinks he's sorted radio but wait he's gone off to phone them again! (good job it's a free
phone number)  Yes it's working that did'nt take too long did it!

Saturday 14th
Up early, 4am, yes really! on our way to border at sweetgrass, just parked up last night as it was
6.30pm before we left Books.  At border another problem with paperwork for load!  Why can't
people do their job properly it so frustrating!
To be continued..........                

Saturday 8 June 2013

British Columbia again!

Monday 3rd June
Picked up trailer at Calgary yard 7am.  Yes we were going back over to Vancouver. Arrived
early evening and delivered.
Spent tuesday morning at the park by the estuary sunbathing, we had deck chairs at last!
After lunch picked up trailer and made our way to Kamloops for the night.
Wednesday we were up bright and early and on the Highway 5 out of Kamloops and upto
Jasper.  Our destination was Edmonton.  The North Thompson river was beside us, some
times wide and smooth, other times fast and furious over rapids. We saw another bear in the
long grass by the road, he was so cute (i don`t think so!) dave drove really slowly so we
could have a good look at him (shame i`d just put my camera away)  Up in the Rockies
towards Jasper was wide and open spaces, alot of lakes with magnificent mountains all
around.  There were alot more wildlife here, we saw a group of elks and nearly had to stop
as a male was so close, he had huge antlers, it was great to see them all munching away
totally oblivious to the traffic. We bypassed Jasper which was a shame, into Pochontas
which was just a few log cabins.  Fueled up at Hinton, typically canadian/american, wide
thoroughfare with fast food places either side.  We arrived in Edmonton in absolute pouring
rain, really big drops! luckily we only had to drop the trailer in the yard.  Tomorrow we
had a load back down to Lethbridge, it was`nt going to be ready until 2pm, with four drops,
it meant driving into the evening but it was our last job.  We had the truck to clear out
tomorrow and pack everything in the car, we would then book ourselves into the Sandman
Hotel for a couple of nights and relax, have a couple of beers!
But guess what we did`nt leave the customers yard until after 4pm (no surprises there!) Dave
didnt finish until 2am!          
Thats all folks for now, dave will try and keep in touch!    

Kamloops, BC. Our park at the Estuary in Vancouver. Three Valley Chateau at Revelstoke.

Sunday 2 June 2013

WERE GOING ON A BEAR HUNT (Were going to catch a big one!)

Above is the title to a book the children had when they were little. Yes!  we saw a bear! two actually, one just in a clearing past Banff, and another meandering along a track in the Rockies.
The last few weeks we`ve been back and forth to Vancouver, we also saw two moose (well dave did i was reading and not looking out of the window oops!)  We know the road so well now through the Rockies and the places to stay overnight and good walks for maddy.  Were flying home next week so don`t expect to travel too far as it might get difficullt to get a load back in time for our flight.  Maddy is booked into kennels just outside Calgary.  Dave will pick her up when he gets back so he will have some company.  I`m staying at home until sophie`s wedding in August so i can spend some time with them all.  I suspect dave will miss my cooking (probably all though!)
Each time we travelled through we stayed overnight at Kamloops, a large town overlooking a lake.
From Kamloops to Hope are the Coquihalla mountains.  We went on the Coquihalla highway, after the Rockies they were open and spread out, with the early morning sun they were magnificent, makes you feel on top of the world, which i suppose we were!  Some of our deliveries were in the city of Chilliwack, on the way to Vancouver, we would usually have our lunch there and fuel up.  Just before is Bridal Falls, we only passed it but could see why it was called Bridal Falls, on top of the mountain you could see the start of a waterfall, it just looked like a wedding veil.  There were alot of smaller waterfalls surrounding it along the mountain.  Definately a place to visit!
In the Rockies near Revelstoke is a spectacular hotel.  Its spread across the edge of a lake, its red roofed and looks quite Austrian.  Its a beautiful setting amidst the mountain backdrop, were hoping we can drive down and also stay there one weekend.          
Its sunday and were waiting for our assignment to come through, it will most probably be back to
British Columbia!

Sunday 26 May 2013

New Jersey and Maryland cont.,

Blackness was all around us, we had at least another hour of day light and we could see it in the far distance, we felt like we were in the film "war of the worlds" racing towards the light, it was scary!
We turned off the toll road at Cleveland and took the highway 271 through the centre.  The buildings were all lit up, it looked beautiful, we were so glad we came through in the evening.  We picked up the I90 and stayed near Geneva.
Saturday 11th May
We awoke engulfed in fog again, misty rain, miserable.  We left Ohio staying on the I90 into Pennsylvania, past Erie and then into New York State, another toll road.  We passed Buffalo to fuel up at Corfu.  We were staying on the I90 all the way to Boston, Massachusetts.  It was going to be a long day, not much to see but green fields and the occassional golf course.  The delivery
was due 6am (their time for us 4am) tomorrow so we had to get there tonight. Just past Albany we went over the Hudson river and then it was Massachuttes, it was 4pm and we were heading for Taunton.  Massachuttes was a breath of fresh air after the landscape we had had today.  It was all hills with forest with different coloured trees, lakes in valleys and dark rock where the road had been cut through.  The verges were coverered with orange moss and new little ferns were sprouting on the edge of the forest floor.  It made you feel all warm inside at the beauty of it all.  The rain had stopped a while back, there was alot of low cloud and occassionally the sun would streak through.    
Sunday 12th May
After the delivery we drove out of Taunton, mostly residential, it was so pretty with their boarded houses all different colours and blossom out in their neat gardens, it had been raining overnight and everything looked fresh and new. We were on the I95 in Rhode Island, Providence was just waking up, buildings were shrouded in cloud.  The port was quiet, not many cars on the road.  We stayed on the I95 down through Connecticut, of course we had been on this road before.  We liked it here.
The road followed the coast and you would get a glimpse of how people were living near the waters edge. The sun was out today thank goodness and we were stopping at Milford to fuel up and have a shower. Despatch had sent a message to say our Maryland drop was now monday afternoon.  It was a hot sunday afternoon going through a busy New York.  We were still on the I95 in traffic to go over the George Washington Bridge, we did`nt have to pay going over from this side, i was people watching, it was Mothers Day here and lots of people had flowers in their cars.
The I95 was now a toll road.  Travelling down into New Jersey for our second drop near Haddonfield, a place called Cherry Hill. But when we got there the company was closed, just as well our Maryland drop was now tomorrow.  We had to wait for the morning, luckily enough across the road was a river with large parkland.  We took maddy for a long walk and saw some geese with their goslings, they were so cute.
Monday 13th May
We were up at 4am (their time 6am) we waited for over 3 hours for them to start unloading, its so frustrating!   I took maddy over to the river again, i`m so pleased she`s with us!  We set of back on the I95 to Maryland.  This was a new road not just for me but dave aswell, it was exciting!  We were going to go through Baltimore and under a long tunnel, our destination was Severn. We passed over a large suspension bridge (a toll) from New Jersey to Delaware, it was so high we could see Wilmington in the distance, we did think it was Philadelphia ha!  Over a bridge at Susquehanna River.  Reaching Baltimore, a concrete jungle with roads and flyovers everywhere,
through the tunnel and before we know it past the airport and we were at Severn, another small
inustrial park set in a residential area, unfortunately with this one we were locked in the yard with a guard on the gate, funny how some meat plants are relaxed and others over strict.  Oh no doom struck again it was 1pm and everyone went home at 12 noon!  Oh well we had to come back in the morning. Dave had to have a reset as he had done 70 hrs so we would find somewhere in Baltimore to stay and have some time off.  While taking maddy for a walk i came across a snake,
i`m not scared of snakes so i went closer to have a better look, its tail started to vibrate and it was quite large!  so i decided to make myself scarce rather quickly, dave did think it was a rattle snake!  
We already knew what our return job was, upto Toronto with bananas and then another trailer over through Ontario, Manitoba and Saskatchewan to Calgary. We were going on that terrible highway 11 again so i was bracing myself!

Saturday 25 May 2013

New Jersey and Maryland

Wednesday 8th May
We waited 24hrs for the load to be released at Brooks (just north of Lethbridge) It was about 2.30pm when we headed for the border, stopping at Milk River for paperwork to come through, it was now 8pm when we crossed the border. Meat inspection at Sweetgrass closed at 4pm so we had to wait until 8am for the inspection.  We got there early to beat the queue, but then they decided to do a full inspection, everything had to come off, coultures taken etc, this took about 2 hrs (where as the driver next to us just had his paperwork signed and was off) this job was doomed, we had 700 miles to do each day for us to deliver in Massachettes for sunday with another two drops to follow, second in New Jersey, last in Maryland. It was hard going doing 600 miles a day.  While we were waiting i took maddy for a long walk across the field opposite so we would`nt get a peep out of her today!  10am we were on our way to Shelby to fuel up.  It was a lovely sunny day, shorts and flipflops on.
We were travelling on Highway 2 across Montana dropping down to Glendive to get on I94.  We were hoping to get into North Dakota to stay at Dickenson tonight.  It would be interesting to see how the landscape had changed since we were last in Montana.  Most off the grass on the plains was now turning green and some fields had been ploughed.  The trees which had looked blackened and dead before now had small buds on them which we were pleased to see.  We passed Bears Paws Mountains on the right near Havre.  Oh no disaster struck, we were just past Havre when we head a loud pop, a tyre had burst, which meant the tread would come off, we made it too Chinock and had to wait for fitter to come out.  4pm we set off again!
Thursday 9th May
We only made it to Beach last night, not bad considering the day we`d had, at least we were over Montana.  North Dakota looked so different without any snow, real indian country.  We made our way across on I94 to Fargo to fuel up. The farmers were out in force busy ploughing and spraying with their massive machinery, chucking up dust in their wake. We saw a dead wolf by the roadside,  yesterday in Montana on the local radio station we heard about a farmer having trouble with wolves attacking his sheep.  Just before New Salem on a hill is the worlds largest Holstein cow, you can see it for miles.  At Jamestown they had the worlds largest buffalo!  apparently they have real buffalo there but we didnt see any (dave has!)  We made it to Fargo by 2.30pm, fueled up and into Minnesota.  The sun was still shining with little white fluffy clouds.  It had taken us 6hrs to get through North Dakota so hopefully we`d be into Wisconsin tonight.
Friday 10th May
We stopped just other side of Tomar last night at a place called Oakdale.  We awoke to a dull and damp day.  Still 700 miles infront of us again today who knows what the weather would be in the next state.  Winconsin was lovely and green, it made Minnesota very drab in comparison as if spring had`nt arrived yet.  We`ve noticed some brightly coloured birds and found out from the locals that they are backbirds.  They have three types, plain black, black with a orange breast and another with red wings, they do`nt sing like ours but sqawk.  The I94 bypassed Madison then we were on I90 into Illinois, it was a toll road, for 54 miles it was 45mile/hr,  the whole of the right side was under construction, from the start until near Elgin, what a pain, we`ve never seen so much earth being moved.  We did`nt have to pay any toll!
Into Chicago, it got very cold and started to rain, we didnt go through the centre this time but around on the I90 to Gary, Indiana which seemed qucker.  Just before going in Gary we passed over a huge quarry, we did`nt expect that in the city!  We were traveling across Indiana on toll road I80 as before.  Just as we got on the toll a thick fog came down.  We stopped at Elkhart the travel plaza yes we`re on the posh toll road again.  A guy came up to us with some story about not being paid, yes he wanted cash for gas (or so he said) this is about the 5th time its happened, even in California.  The fog lifted and rain stopped, it seemed to be brightening up, we were trying to make for the other side of Cleveland tonight.  We saw a swan on her nest.  Reaching Ohio the sun was back!  We listened to Gareth Brookes, our favourite at the moment to pass the time on the toll.        
Just pass Toledo all of a sudden blackness engulfed us, huge black clouds decended over us and the surrounding be continued,

Sunday 5 May 2013

Crows Nest Pass "in the sun"

Washington cont.,

Wednesday 1st May
The delivery was done and dusted by 7am.  We already had a reload back to Calgary (we were lucky it was such a quick turnaround) we had to go back the way we came stopping at Quincey for a load of frozen vegetables.  At 9am we were travelling back through the Wenatchee Mountains, what a difference the sun makes, the reflections on the lake were mesmerizing.  We waited all afternoon for the trailer to be loaded.  By the time this happened dave was running out of hours so we stayed the night at Ernies truck stop in Moses Lake.
Thursday 2nd May
On our way this morning message came through for us to change trailers (with an empty) at Cranbrook, and go back and reload with onions at Warner.  Dave was not happy about this as there`s not alot of mileage in this particular run anyway and we were doing it twice!  He expressed his views to despatch and we were promised a good job next week.
We saw a couple of dead deer by the roadside, it is so sad. But then a red squirrel ran infront of us ah cute.
Friday 3rd May
The load of onions was`nt going to be ready until 12noon so we had a slow run down stopping a few ties to take maddy for a walk in the sunshine.  We were`nt due back to Calgary until saturday so we ad plenty of time.  I did`nt need to look at the map anymore as i knew all the lakes and towns off by heart (and the truck stops!)
Saturday 4th May
This morning after going through customs (again!) we stopped at Moyie Lake.  We took maddies photo for facebook, she had a great time sniffing in the long grass, their was a deer path along the side of the lake.
Driving back over the Rockies was lovely, the sun was out and the roads quiet  In the Rockies the railway mostly follows alongside the road, sometimes dissapearing into a tunnel in a mountain.  They have around a hundred open carriages, we`ve seem them filled with grain or coal dust.  To pull these there would be three or four locomotives, usually three at the front and one in the middle.      
At Crowsnest Pass we saw some wild goats having a drink from a puddle at the side of the road.
We passed through a small mining town called Frank. Either side of the highway were massive boulders, this was due to a large section of limestone rock breaking away from Mount Turtle in 1903, this area was now known as Frank Slide. A portion of the sleeping community below was crushed, the size of the rock which fell was 500 ft deep, 1400 ft high and 1km long.
On our way back to Calgary on Highway 3 we saw a sign for "Head Smashed In Buffalo Jump".
This is where native indians used to stamped buffalo over a precipice.  
We arrived back in the yard early evening, we had sunday to ourselves so were looking forward to skyping the children, our job for next week came through,  New Jersey!  

Tuesday 30 April 2013

Wenatchee Mountains, Washington


Monday 29th April
4am. Dave was up  (to early for me) to collect empty trailer from Calgary yard and change over for a loaded one (full of cat litter) at Lethbridge, we weighed off it was now 10am, our delivery was in Sumner, near Tacoma for wednesday am.
The weather was warm and sunny, we were going back over the Rockies on Highway 3 through Crowsnest Pass.  As we approached Pincher Creek the weather turned dramatically, dark clouds filled the sky and we had a hail storm.  In the distance we could see blue sky over the mountains.  Either side of us on the hills were wind turbines.  As we went through Crowsnest Pass the hail turned to light snow.  Down through Fernie and Cranbrook. About 4pm we crossed the US border, we had to stop and take our documents into the office while the trailer was inspected as the cat litter was radioactive, the customs officer used a gieger counter, it all seemed very bizzarre.
Into Idaho on Highway 95.  Landscape was mostly farmland, paddocks of horses with the odd llama.  Alot of the houses were made of logs, we really liked the look of them.  Into Bonnie Ferry which looked busy and interesting.  All towns we`ve found however small have fantastic golf courses, Bonnie Ferry was no exception.  Then Sandpoint, it was on a massive river (priest river)
it had its own beaches, they had built a new bypass around and over the river since dave had been here last, so we missed out on the town.  We were heading for Coeur d`Alene to stay the night.
Tuesday 30th April
We set off leaving Idaho and into Washington with brilliant sunshine and blue skies. Local radio on.
The traffic was heavy through Spokane on I90. The landscape was flat lands across the columbia basin. We stopped at a rest area near Moses Lake for lunch.  USA have really good rest areas, Canada sucks!  We caught the edge of Saddle Mountains with the columbia river running through.  The road was very steep, hills had heather like bushes instead of fir trees.  Into the valley, Kittitas and the surrounding Ellensburg was mostly farms, ahead we could see the Wenatchee Mountains.
They were impressive, a smaller version of the Rockies.  At stampede Pass there was alot of low cloud, by the time we got to Snoqualmie Pass it was snowing, it was so pretty, not for dave though, he got worried when we saw a snow plough, but not for long, came out the other side into the sun.
We were only 40 miles from Seattle. We turned off at J25 and infront of us was a huge mountain.
Signpost was Tiger summet, we had to crawl around it at 25mile an hour (trucks have to put their hazards on when going slower than 30) The elevation was 1377ft.  It was a gradient of 6% the same at the Rockies.  We were now heading for Sunmer to park up early for a change, it was only 3.30pm, the load was`not due to be delivered until 5.30am tomorrow.