Monday 30 December 2013


Saturday 21st December
We'd again delivered in Columbus, Nebraska last week,  quick turnaround this time, only an hour before we had a load back upto Winnipeg. Came up on I29 entering Manitoba at Emerson.  As we came through into Canada it was an ice land, we'd had cold but this was now -30! The snow in Nebraska had been like walking in castor sugar, every snowflake seperate, here everthing was frozen solid, it did'nt look real.  The temperature fluctuated between -25 and -30, you could'nt even take your gloves off, maddy did'nt stay outside for very long before she started lifting her paws up, time to go in! Coming through customs despatch informed us their was to be a meat inspection, but in Saskatoon! a thousand mile round trip! madness! to then deliver back in Winnipeg.  Oh well extra mileage for us, but dave did'nt have enough hours to get back so the trailer was dropped in Brandon were we had a reset.  We already had our california job come through to start early saturday morning.delivering pork to Manteca, near San Francisco for christmas eve. We had made the decision a while ago to work Christmas day and New Years day as our christmas would be with the children at the end of january. It was too cold to do much in Brandon, so we spent a couple of hours at the mall and had lunch in Montana's, at outback steak bar, yum. After picking up trailer in Brandon
we arrived at border in Portal at 8am for meat inspection, 30 minutes later we were on our way through North Dakota on H85, we were looking forward to some warmer weather.  Through Montana joining the I94 at Glendive we had heavy snow and bad road conditions, no snow ploughs in sight, was it because it was saturday? Cattle, horses and deer all had their white fur coats on. We were heading for Billings for the night, by the afternoon the temperature was now -14, what a difference, no icy wind whipping across your face,  no finger tips freezing in your gloves, it could only get better.  We were entering Billings from the east so that would be different, but by then it would be dark.  We came into the valley, so there was not the usual
 vast spendor of lights from the cliff top.          
Sunday 22nd
We awoke at 5am to a blizzard.  The highway covered in a blanket of white.  We set of on I90, no snowploughs about.  It would be another couple of hours before the sun came up,  it was no good we had to get moving, with at least 500 miles to go today we had to make a start.  It was getting warmer though it was now -12.  We just got up the road and found a weigh station open! how sad is that! 6am and a sunday, the bloke obviously had no life! The blower was on so high to stop the windscreen from icing over i was finding it difficult to breath.  A truck thundered past incasing us in a billowing white cloud, for a few seconds dave was driving blind, slowing down, a block of ice dropped from the cab roof onto the windscreen making us both jump! It was another 30 minutes until light, the weather seemed to be worsening, great gusts of snow were thrown at us and the windscreen was gradually icing over.  We drove on into what seemed oblivion. It became light, i looked out at the landcape, frozn and still.  New Livingston, the snow eased up and the road became clear, we now needed to find somewhere to stop for breakfast, or to be more precise a restroom. The last two rest areas were closed so hopefully there would be a truck stop soon.  There was one at Livingston with a field behind which was a bonus.  I set off wiith maddy, it was now -1 with light snow, it seemed almonst mild.  The proposed route was to turn off on the H191 down towards Idaho Falls but because of the weather (our blizzard was back with a vengence) we did'nt fancy chaining up so we carried on the I90 until the H41 at Whitehall joining I15 at Dillon.  Travelling down towards Dillon was very pleasant, we were leaving the bad weather behind us.  The mountain range surrounded us, homesteads looked so much nicer covered in snow even with their scrap cars outside.  Both the Jefferson and Beaverhead rivers were only partially frozen,  small villages not on the map looked festive, cattle, horses, sheep and goats grazed some having fresh hay put out for them. Three men, hunters, rifles aloft, stood by a large group of wild geese, the geese did'nt seem a bit worried, just carried on preening. We passed by Black Canyon Resevoir, it was frozen over, there were quite a few fishing huts set out, men sat in fold up chairs ice fishiing, some even had their quad bikes, dave said he quite fancied it.  The cloud parted above the mountains and the sun shone.  We were stoppng at Idaho Falls to refuel, this was a really good truck stop called "dads" i would go in and have a browse.. At Pocatello we took I86 to Twin Falls.  Down through Idaho the road was quiet we played christmas songs and dave sang along.  Of course we'd been along this route before but it has been a while and everything looked different due the the winter season.  At 5.30 pm it was still light.
Monday 23rd
We passed over the canyon into Twin Falls in darkness.  Entering Nevada light was seeping through.  Jackpot was just neon signs for casinos and motels, such a contrast against the back drop.  We stopped at Wells for breakfast and a quick shower.  The mountains snow capped in the distance.  Travelling across on I80 heading towards Reno we had brilliant sunshine, blue skies, landscape covered in light snow.  At 4pm passing through Reno it was 10 degrees, we had stopped to take maddy for a walk, we were now only wearing our t-shirts, amazing, after having -30 a few days ago!  Entering California we were in the mountains, lovely green fir trees on ground covered snow, Truckee river flowing fast by our side. We were still on I80 making our way down to Sacremento.  The drop was for Menteca at 5am on christmas eve.  We would stop at the truck stop at Lodi tonight.  At 5pm we still had blue skies and hot sun.  We passed Lake Tahoe and climbed our way to the summit.  We stopped on Donner summit surrounded by woodland and had our tea, beef tortellini and bruschetta, yummy.  Maddy had a quick walk in the pines and then we were off to our final destination.  The sun disappeared behind the mountains in a mass of colour against the still blue sky, dusk steadily creeping up behind.
Christmas Eve
After the delivery we already had a reload.  We travelled down I5 towards Oxnard.  We were picking up a load of bananas for Calgary.  The trailer was loaded for us and waitng outside the yard, everyone had gone home.
Christmas Day
5.30am we were driving though LA, all palm trees and wide lane highway.  Picking up I15 for Las Vegas. We came up through the desert, joshua trees dotted the landscape, not a cloud in the sky, huge orange rock formations surrounded us, it was 20 degrees today what a shame we were heading back to the cold.  In Arizona we passed through Virgin River Gorge, the entrance is concealed by a bend in the road, it looks like the traffic is disappearing into the side of a mountain.  The cliffs were magnificant, real indian country.  This took us into Utah, coming into St George was like another planet, with the red cliffs and russet earth, mountains looming.  There were alot of palm trees here admittedly dried out.  The shopping malls were deserted today, just the truck stops and garages open.  Even backyards were quiet, just the occassional dog walker.  We'd been in four states since this morning, what a long day!
Boxing Day
Heading towards Salt Lake City the snow and cold were back with us.  Oranges and pinks streaked across the sky above the mountains.  We stopped at a flying j called Eagles Landing for breakfast, they had a petting zoo with emus, sheep, ponies and a zebra!  The I15 actually took us through Salt Lake City which was cloaked  with smog, we could see a few skyscrapers and a large domed building  The other side was heavy industrial with giant flumes of pollution everywhere, not nice to see. Into idaho.  On Devils Creek Resevoir , near Downey, more people were icefishing with their bright multi coloured tents.  We stopped at Butte in Montana to refuel and spend the night, tomorrow we would deliver in Calgary.

Santa had obviously no idea where we were!  hopefully he would catch up with us at the Lodge in  Bragg Creek.

We would like to wish all our friends and family who follow our travels on the blog a very happy new year.

Lots of love dave, jackie and maddy.xxxxxx              

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