Sunday 5 January 2014


Sunday 29th December
We had a day off in Calgary yesterday which went way too fast.  We had things we wanted to get before all the xmas stock disappeared from the shelves.  We were lucky that everything we bought was 50% off.  But back to the grindstone this morning picking up a trailer at Lethbridge for Washington, well it was'nt too early for a change, 8.30am.  We got to the border at Kingston about 5pm after travelling through CrowsNest Pass.
Monday 30th
Weather gloomy but not too cold, -4, there was no snow here just frost.  Picking up the I90 at Spokane, through the Saddle Mountains, with Whisky Dick Mountain on our right.  The Columbia River was'nt frozen
and had huge groups of ducks on.  Kiittattas was set in a valley between the mountain ranges, with flat yellow fields, horses grazing, the Wenatchee Mountains in front of us. Onto Snoqualine Pass, it had now started to rain,  the the snow capped mountains were shrouded in low cloud, swirls of mist moved between the fir trees.  It rained harder, dave was pleased as the truck would get a good wash! I did'nt like the rain, i liked the snow but then i did'nt have to drive in it!  Making our way to the summit we were engulfed in the low cloud, it was eerie! At the end of the pass we just had Tiger summit to climb, elevation 1377.  We were delivering in Sumner as before, it was 4pm and we would park up soon ready to unload at 6am tomorrow, New Years Eve.   We had started watching "The Walking Dead" over christmas, it was gooooood!!!!!! but unfortunately had'nt been able to find Series 2 over the weekend, so we'd picked up "Red 2" and would watch that tonight.
New Years Eve
We arrived to unload earlier as we already had our reload from Pascoe back to Calgary and the company closed at 12 noon.  If we missed this we would have to wait until 2nd January. Luckily we were unloaded straightaway, so we were on our way back the way we'd come turning on the I82 at Ellensberg.  Upon reaching the Saddle Mountains we were confronted with an awesome hill, dave was glad we had an empty trailer.  It was misty up here, great expanses of land covered in small heather like bushes.  We were emersed in the hillsides, the mist cleared and the view was great, all the diffferent coloured greens, mountains as far as the eye could see under a moody sky.  Mount Rainer and Mount Adams were infront of us as we came into the valley incasing the town off Yakima.  At Prosser we drove by "Wine Country Road" that seemed a good place to live.  Apparently this area was Washingtons wine country, field after field of grape vines as well as fruit trees.  We arrived at Pascoe in good time, 10.30am, to be loaded with onions. We would get back on the I90 at Ritzville to arrive back at Calgary for New Years day afternnoon.      

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