Wednesday 15 January 2014


Wednesday 8th January
We'd again been to Washington and then had our reset in Calgary.  We spent the afternoon sorting out the last details for our outfits for the murder mystery we were having with the kids.  We are all superheros.  I am Blue Blaze and dave is The Jester, we had to find some red tights for dave (womens department i think, and yes he does have nice legs!) Our load was pork for Salt Lake City, we waited 2 days for this load in Red Deer, north of Calgary.  They had had alot of snow here and it was still falling.  The roads in the town were thick with it.  We did'nt move far from the truck.  Dave had asked to go south, hopefully it would be warmer.  On the outskirts of Red Deer there was a massive snow pile, tippers were dropping their loads of snow which had been collected from the streets, carparks etc,  at the base and bulldozers were pushing it up to about 50ft high.  After Sweetgrass we made our way down through Montana on I15, stopping at Helena for supplies, everything was so much cheaper in America so we did our shopping here whenever we could. The scenery was beautiful in Montana this season. The weather was clear.  We stopped in Lima overnight, a small place with surrounding mountains, it took your breath away, how lucky these people were having these views all the time.
Thursday 9th
Into Idaho, we were back to blizzard conditions, this lasted most of the day, roads were atrocious, so many cars in ditches along the highway, one lorry came off the road on a slipway exit.  Late afternoon we entered Utah, last time Salt Lake City was covered in smog.  We had a good view of the city today with the surrounding mountains so close you felt you could reach out and touch them.  We delivered and picked up a brand new trailer and headed for Cedar City.  The trailer would have to have its own PARS to get through customs.
Friday 10th
Still on I15, the morning was clear, patches of blue sky, not much snow around.  It was good to see the sun. Cattle and horses wandered the plains in the early morning sunshine.  The sky never ceased to amaze us, i suppose it was because we could see so much of it.  We'd seen a few wolves on our way down.  The road ahead was long and straight, heading towards mountains shrouded in mist.  It was just after 9am when we came down into Cedar City, spread across the valley, swamped in sunshine.  It was strangely quiet everywhere.  We now had to wait to be loaded.  We were picking up coffee creamer.  I spied a path, i would take maddy for a walk.  It was late afternoon as we approached Salt Lake City again, it was all about the mountains, they looked blue grey under the troubled sky, snow looked like fading whitewash.   We strayed outside Salt Lake City for the night.  We were due back in Calgary on sunday am, then we were having a long weekend off, staying in a hotel.  We would be booking up the kids activities, skiing, dog sledding with chloe and snowmobiling.  We wer'nt skiing ourselves, babysitting instead much more fun! Dave was snowmobiling though, and dave was also taking them to an Ice Hockey match, the Calgary Flames.   I was looking forward to doing some proper cooking, roast dinners! The lodge had a huge kitchen with a range, the owners were italian and loved cooking.  We'd bought a waffle maker in America yesterday (we'd used one at Rocky Mountain Inn at Canmore) Dave could'nt wait to make fresh waffles for breakfast.  Oh no we were going to put on so much weight! nevermind we needed the extra insulation at the moment!                

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