Tuesday 22 October 2013


11th October
We waited until today to get a job, two others had come through previously but had been cancelled within the hour, apparently a few drivers were hanging round waiting.  We amused ourselves by a bit of retail therapy and long walks.  We had also got hooked on "Game Of Thrones".  It was back to Nebraska! A load from Cargills tomorrow morning.

12th October
Woke up to snow, what a surprise! more snow to come, that was fine we were off to America!  Last week South Dakota had had 15inches of snow, when we got to Bell Fourche it was evident, trees were down and a few roofs had been damaged.   There was snow piled up everywhere.  Going on through,  the Dakota hills and fields were still covered.  You could feel the crispness in the air.  By the time we reached Kodoka the snow had dissappeared.  Sunday was a lovely sunny day, we were delivering in Columbus and would get there later today.

Monday 14th
Rain, rain and more rain.  It was Columbus day, a holiday in America and we were in Columbus!  It was actually Thanksgiving day in Canada. We were waiting for a return load..  After lunch we picked up a trailer at the Cargill plant and had it washed out so we were ready to GO!

Wednesday 16th
We waited until this afternoon for our return load, there were other drivers waiting too.  Craig and Rebecca, they had the most adorable puppy, and a guy called Pete, we all got our return loads that afternoon.  Ours was dog food for Mississauga (Toronto) So again the same journey upto Windsor near Detroit to cross the border, no inspection this time. We got maddy an american scarf to wear, she seemed happy!

Friday 18th
Up at 5am (7am here in Ontario) Lovely sunny morning, making our way to delivery on H401.  We already had our return load to Saskatoon, to be picked up later today.  Oh well over the Prairies again, at least we knew where we were going and where the good stops were.  

Saturday 19th
Rain had set in as we made our way through Ontario on H11..It was a long day, the rain never let up and occassionally turned to sleet.  We stopped at Kapuskasing for a shower and then drove another hour up the road to stay the night at Hearst.  It was dark by now.

Sunday 20th
Away at 5.30am.  It was -5C and one of Ontarios first frosts, a blanket of white, mist lingered over the still lakes,  the moon was full and clear and even though it was light it was still high in the sky in front of us. We could see the sun rising above the fir trees in our rearview mirrors.  We stopped at Klotz lake for breakfast, it looked so different from a few weeks ago, the lake was covered in mist, it was quite spooky! Lake Nipigon was still, with only a few ducks to break the surface waters.  We reached the state line just as it got dark and parked up.  We had had all weathers in the afternoon, sun, sleet and snow showers.

Monday 21st
Winter had arrived! we awoke to snow and it was still snowing.  We passed Winnipeg and stopped for a shower and breakfast.  I was so glad i had bought a hair dryer last week so i did'nt have to walk across the truck stop with wet hair, we had heard of a girl whose wet hair had snapped off in the cold!  It was almost dusk and the sun was going down on our left, we were heading for Saskatoon.  Sunlight had caught the underbellies of hundreds of geese in flight against the darkening sky, they would of been invisible to us otherwise.            

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