Wednesday 18 September 2013


Sunday 8th September
Were back! Flight okay but i had to sit next to a smelly man!
After picking up car in Calgary yard we went to look at Deer House, hard to find as dave had`nt
thought to ask address or directions! We found it eventually and it was everything we had dreamed
of, so looking forward to kids seeing it in january.  Drove back to Lethbridge to stay in Sandman,
arrived 9.30pm (4.30am back home) what a long day.

Monday 9th
After breakfast as Dennys we picked maddy up, so pleased to see her, she had been well looked
after, would sit with owner on settee during the day and had her own rocking chair in her kennel.
We got some supplies from walmart and then went to load up truck.  It had been in the garage the
whole time dave had been away so luckily no-one had used it.  Unfortunately the inverter had'nt
been repaired (they were waiting for some to come in) that meant no kettle, toaster, microwave and
no laptop! I wished i'd known before i did our shopping (lucky we have a gas cooker)  It took about
6 hours to unpack everything from the car and find its place in the truck.  After we had eaten we
went to Henderson Lake, i drove the car for the first time, it was weird driving on the other side
of the road, take a bit of getting used to, so worried i would turn on other side.  Our first job came
through for Washington, early start tomorrow.

Tuesday 10th
We were headed for Pasco, delivery for the 11th am.  We left at 5am through Crows Nest Pass,
Fernie and Cranbrook towards US border.  My green card had expired so had to apply for a new
one.  I was'nt very happy, dave was sent back to bring truck down  and a couple of customs
officers made me very uncomfortable to say the least!  I was glad to get back to the truck an leave.
Into Idaho on I95 through Bonners Ferry and Sandpoint, of course we had been here before but it
was nice driving through them again, everything being familiar.  We stopped at Post Falls near
Coeur d'Alene to fuel up and i took maddy for her walk, she immediately recognised the place
and was so excited.  We carried on through Spokane on I90 down to Pasco.

Wednesday 11th
The load was'nt booked in until 11am but we got there early and it was taken off at 9.  While
dave was busy i took maddy for a walk around the grounds of the local pemises they all had
lovely green lawns with fir trees, the sun was out, not a cloud in the sky, it was going to be
another hottie, 95 degrees yesterday! we were in shorts and flip flops, it still felt we were on
It was'nt long to wait before our return load came through.  Onions for Calgary, not far from where
we were.   We left Pasco after lunch and travelled back upto Post Falls.  Picked up paperwork
for the truck for customs (company faxes it through to truck stop) and carried on upto border.
The authorisation (parrs) for the load had'nt been passed yet by customs so we had to park up and

Thursday 12th
Dave was up at 5am, hoping the Parrs would come through, it was 8am before we got word.
Over the border.  It took us until 5pm to get upto Calgary, there were so many roadworks, but
the sun was shining so we were okay and our job had come through for tomorrow, Calfornia!

Friday 13th (unlucky for some) yes us!
We were picking up trailer from Brooks (meat processing plant) not my favourite place, it was'nt
ready until noon and we were booked in at meat inspection for 7pm after the border.
We spent morning at flying J truckstop in Calgary, it had everything here.  Dave bought a satelite
radio and spent a long time trying to sort it out! we needed it as the local radio stations done my
head in with all the adverts.  Infront of us was a large green lawn seperating us from the main road,
i watched the prairee dogs peeking up from their burrows, they are so cute, maddy loves them but
is'nt quick enough to catch one.  Dave had shown me how to attach trailer to the truck, by plugging
in the brakes, air, electrics and winding up the legs, checking tyres etc, so this was now my job,
weather permitting ofcourse!  I wonder if we were going to see our family of pelicans on our way
to Brooks?
We didnt make meat inspection,, sat all afternoon at Brooks, four numbers were missing off of
paperwork, it had been sent back upto the office and we just sat waiting in truck outside security,
i felt like going in and screaming, but no i sat calm very unlike me!  I could'nt eat or drink because
of the smell, all windows were shut but it still crept in. Maddy was on the bed, not once got up,
she also could sense where we were, no walkies here.
5.30pm dave still messing with radio.  I'm getting hungry now hope it won't be too much longer.
Dave thinks he's sorted radio but wait he's gone off to phone them again! (good job it's a free
phone number)  Yes it's working that did'nt take too long did it!

Saturday 14th
Up early, 4am, yes really! on our way to border at sweetgrass, just parked up last night as it was
6.30pm before we left Books.  At border another problem with paperwork for load!  Why can't
people do their job properly it so frustrating!
To be continued..........                

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