Sunday 22 September 2013


Saturday 14th
Meat inspection ran true to form, all pallets off and checked.  Took maddy across the fields while waiting. Stopped at Shelby at 9.30am to refuel and then at last on our way, travelling down through Montana on I15 into Idaho and Nevada, heading for Sacremento.  Driving through Montana i was surprised how lush it had become.  We made it to Idaho Falls by 7pm, 600 miles since leaving Sweetgrass, that was good going considering the hold ups.  The truck stop at Idaho Falls was good, after having a shower we browsed at the merchandise, alot of it was indian, we bought a couple of christmas presents.

Sunday 15th
Up at 5am, still pitch black. Picked up a coffee from truck stop and we were on our way.  When light we stopped for breakfast near Blackfoot.  We passed Pocatello, onto Twin Falls, stopping at a scenic layby to take photos of canyon just before the town.  Now Nevada, hot day, on I80 heading towards Reno, it is so bright, all sky and desert, road stretched ahead, mountains in the distance. This was casino country, all the truck stops and small towns had them, neon lights glaring from a distance.  We stopped early, 4.30pm, well it is sunday, its so hot! a place called Winnemucca .  Opposite the truck stop was a huge graveyard, it was very well looked after, we've noticed that they have their sites in very prominent positions in their towns.

Monday 16th    
Left this morning just as the sun came up, a warm pink glow behind the mountains.  The mountains started to light up and there was a low mist surrounding them.  The sun came up behind us and suddenly the valley was bathed in sunshine.  Maddy was restless this morning, gave her a few biscuits and she settled down, obviously wanting her breakfast too!  The road ahead stretched towards the mountains, thats where we were headed, stopping near Lovelock for breakfast and refueling at Fernley.  From Fernley to Sparks the river Truckee ran along side us.  Sparks and Reno was one big city set in a valley, a small Las Vegas!  Into California now, still in the mountains, they are now covered with fir trees.  Lake Truckee is still with us.  We stopped at Donner Summit just past Lake Tahoe for a couple of hours, walked along a trail in the woods, it was so peaceful, took a few photos, never thought California was so mountainous but then we were north this time.  We were on our way to Sacremento.  Our first drop was on the outskirts, we had plenty of time as it was booked in for tomorrow am.  It took 90 mins to come down form the summit, only 30 miles from Sacremento, it was really busy this side, lots of restaurants, motels and large properties to peek at through the trees.  We saw our first palm trees amongst the firs, now we knew we were in California!  It was a shame we did'nt drive through Sacremento but the highway bypassed it.  Some highways take us right through the middle.  We parked up early and sat in the sunshine for a while, it was extremely hot,  i only managed 30 mins before i moved to the shade with dave and maddy

Tuesday 17th
Arrived at Tonys Fine Foods at 8am.  Straight onto bay to unload.  It was a big place.  The sun was just coming up.  Our 2nd drop was Orland, up the I5.  On the way to Orland we passed numourous olive groves.  We turned off I5 and drove into the countryside, the company was in the middle of nowhere.  While dave was unloaded me and maddy walked along the olive trees, i tasted one, yuck! it needs more oil!.  We had a reload already from Salinas, so after lunch we went back down I5, turned off on I505.  It was mostly farmland now.  Turned onto I80 towards San Francisco.  In the hills, how quickly the landscape changes. The grassy hills were yellow with green trees dotted about, quite a contrast.  In some areas the hills had been scorched from grass fires, we actually saw Fire and Rescue putting one out by the side of the road. We saw "blossom Hill" road.  The interstate went through San Jose, it was good to see, but the traffic was horrendous.  Large properties were set in the surrounding hills flanked by palm trees.  It had cooled a bit now, 6.30pm about an hour away from Salinas.  I wanted my tea but had to cook it first!  it was a bit like LA and New York here nowhere for truck to stop, it had been a long drive down from Orland.  They were selling cherries and garlic along the roadside, and there were fields of iceberg lettace all around.  This was growing land, we were picking up berries for our return load, it was'nt ready until 8pm tomorrow and due in Calgary sunday at 6.30am, so we had a day to spend relaxing in the sunshine.      

Wednesday 18th
We did have a very relaxing day!  sat in sunshine all afternoon, did first part of blog in morning, but dismayed to see when it was published that the alighnments were f....d! dave is going to try and sort but i might have to seek my tutor ronan (my drinking buddy) help.  I cooked Spagetti Carbonara ( a family fav, the egg one!) for tea, we got a bottle of wine from the local shop, also fresh coriander, no parsley, but it did fine Yum!    We went and loaded trailer at 8pm and parked up the night.

Thursday 19th
Not such an early start, dave set alarm but turned it off and went back to sleep oops!  The pickers were out, head scarves on to protect them from the sun.  Decided to go a different way to avoid the toll.  Got on H152 to I5 upto Sacremento.  We passed a village called Casa d' Frutas, it was'nt on the map but had truck parking and a large outside fruit and veg stall, we would have to remember for next time. We passed San Luis Reservoir, it was beautiful,  rolling hills and a huge expanse of water, good decision to come this way especially when we heard on radio there was an accident on Blossom Hill road in San Jose.  Santa Nell was truckers paradice!  just a small  town but restaurents etc were all accessable with a trailer also a large truck stop surrounded by palm trees, definitley put this one on the map.  Moving on there were groves of oranges and lemons either side of us.  Both the Californian Aquaduct and Delta Mendora Canal ran along side us until the road forked at exit 446 and we went over bridges for both.  In Stockton we saw an icecream and chocolate outlet! only in America!  Drove through part of Sacremento, i was so pleased, the buildings looked new, apparentlly there is an old town  We were back on I80.  They are absolutely obsessed with weight over here, we stopped at so many weigh stations, what difference does it make, the truck weighs the same however distributed, dave says "its all about the money"

Sunday 22nd
Arrived in Calary yard at 6.30pm  We stopped by Lethbridge and i drove car up, a two hour drive believe it or not.  Dave dropped trailer and that was us until tuesday morning, the truck was going in garage to have the new inverter fitted on monday, so we had 2 days to explore Calgary, now we had the car.  We were staying in a hotel on sunday night so that would be a treat!

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