Sunday 28 April 2013

Vancouver via The Rockies

Wednesday 24th April
Dave decided to deliver trailer to Calgary last night as instructions had come through for us to go to  Vancouver.  We picked up the trailer from the Calgary yard, they now had their own truck wash and scales, the yard was now twice the size since dave was here last.
It was a bright sunny morning, perfect for our trek across the Rockies.  Calgary looked nice from what we saw, quite a big city with nicely laid out housing estates amongst the rolling hills and fir trees, a large river running through which looked like it ended in a dam on the edge of the city.  We were hoping to be based here eventually instead on Lethbridge as the Airport was here and its nearer to the Rockies as we intend to spend our free weekends there.
We set off on Highway 1 towards Banff with the snow capped mountains in front of us. Swans and wild geese were on lakes as we passed.  Most of the snow was gone, land was brown, soon to go green.  Some attempts at ploughing had started and cows had their calves.  Everyone had said it had been a longer winter here than usual, with the last snow we had had been a surprise to the locals. The Rockies were breathtaking, we drove past Banff and Lake Louise, a river ran alongside the road, the water clear, elaborate bridges over the highway for wildlife to cross.  There were scenic rest areas to stop and take in the views, we had our lunch at one and took maddy`s photo for facebook.  Just before Golden we went over Kicking Horse Pass which had a large bridge, the  road had been cut out of the side of a mountain, Kicking Horse River ran alongside and underneath, very impressive.  There was a huge drop as we went down the other side of the mountain, i was so glad we were driving on the right!  The town of Golden was all lodges and fast food.  The restaurant "The Grizzly Bear" was where sophie and dave had stopped for a meal.
After Golden it was Rodgers Pass, this gets alot of snow build up as its along the side of a mountain, very often the road is closed and the trucks haul up in Golden until the state police tell them on CB radio that the road is clear.  At one point through the mountains we went under avalanche sheds, there were five in total with short gaps inbetween, further on we encountered three more.
Before a steep hill there were laybys for trucks to stop and test their brakes, these were compulsory and had to be recorded, this was set up a long time back, trucks now have self adjusting brakes but you still have to stop.
Revelstone was set in a valley.  We dropped down into it.  All the trees were in bud.  We crossed an iron bridge over the Columbia river, turquoise and glinting in the sunshine.  Hopefully we would have time to stop here on the way back.  We stayed in the valley.  There were campsites and resorts everywhere, most were still closed for the season.  Waterfalls running into creeks, lakes still, reflecting the mountains, rivers rushing by our side.
At Sicamous we drove by Shuswap lake, it was massive, there was a marina and you could hire a houseboat.  The lake ran all the way into Salmon Arm.  We carried on into the evening through Kamloops and stopped at Chilliwack.
Thursday 25th April
Chilliwack was in a valley of lucious green, as we arrived in the dark last night it was a real surprise
 in the morning.  It was our first delivery, then a drop in Burnaby, last in Vancouver.  It was a bright sunny morning and quite warm, we could still see the mountains around us. A heron flew alongside us for a while.      
Into Vancouver, we crossed the river, it was an amazing brilliant white suspension bridge!  Drove through the centre, very unusual shops and old hotels.  There were cables above us quite low, then we saw an electric bus!  then they were everywhere!  We were delivering to a chinese food shop, it was obviously a sort of china town, very busy with shop fronts laden with produce, fish and meat hanging on hooks in windows with chinese lanterns, bright red canopies with restaurants above.
By noon it had got really warm, there were cherry blossom trees everywhere even outside shops. The last few pallets had been delivered and the afternoon was our own, we were near the port so we dropped the trailer in a H & R yard and found a park by the estuary.  It was so quiet, just the birds and the occassional ferry passing.
We were picking up a trailer to load about 7.30pm to go back to Calgary in the morning, oh no back over the Rockies on the other side of the road!
Friday 26th April
We were up before the sun.  Dave had driven to Merrick last night after picking up the trailer.  The load was booked in for 6pm in Calgary, we had 400 miles to go over the Rockies. We stopped at Kamloops for a much needed shower, fueled up and had beakfast.  The sun came up over the mountains gradually lighting up the hills around us.  Maddy was still asleep on the bed, she was worn out from the long walk yesterday.  Alot of the trees between Merrick and Kamloops had been cut down as they had mountain pine beetle, they had built large bonfires as big as houses, you could see the occassional swirl of smoke.   The sun rose higher and flooded the valley with light.
We made good time and arrived in Calgary early, weve now got some time off here so we can have a good look round, perhaps have a pizza and a beer tomorrow!                      


  1. Thanks Jackie & David for the lovely pictures and very evocative narrative of your journey, we are enjoying it immensely. Your trip thro' Manitoba sounded grim, it made us feel cold just reading about it. Keep safe with each other. Love David & Lynne x

  2. Hi Dave and Lynne,
    Many thanks for your comments, its so nice to hear from folks back home, we will be home on the 9th june for josh`s wedding, now we feel really old! luv to you both Dave and Jackie x x
