Thursday 18 April 2013


Tuesday 16th April
We travelled down on I95, a toll road, to a place called Gloucester City in Philadelphia, just outside New Jersey.  The weather was very warm, the trees had just started to go green. We were picking up a load of bananas from Delmonte, these were going to Toronto.  We waited three hours to be loaded with just ten pallets, not even half a load.  There was nowhere to go except the truck so maddy and i had to keep our legs crossed.
Philadelphia was much nicer looking than New York, lovely buildings some look colonial, newish roads and bridges with sculptures around, it made NY look old and tired.  We went over the Ben Franklin bridge.  There was a river running through the centre as big as the Thames, people out boating, boats all shapes and sizes, some canoes had as many as ten people in.  Further down river were rapids, white froth on rocks.  Houses backed onto the river, budding weeping willow swept the banks edge.  We`d definately come here for a holiday.  We travelled up through Pennyslvania on I476.  Into late afternoon we passed under a huge mountain called Lenigh tunnel, it was at least a mile long.
Wednesday 17th April
Another bright and sunny day.  Made our way upto New York State on I81.  Passed through Syracuse, joined the I90 toll, fueled up at Corfe, but oh dear the tread was coming off one of the tyres on the unit drivers side.  Sent a message to despatch, we will have to wait here at truck stop for breakdown to come out.  We are so close to Niagra Falls but unfortunately the road will not take the trailer.  Couple of hours and we were back on our way to the Canadian border.  Passed Niagra Falls and Buffalo enroute to Toronto.
Now Ontario, so many vineyards! did`nt recognise any names though!  Lake Ontario was huge, we thought it was the sea at first.  Stayed nearby the lake, took maddys photo for facebook.
Thursday 18th April
Cloudy today, local radio says it`ll brighten up later.  Delivered bananas at 10am to a place called
Mississauga. We hung around most of the day waiting for our reload.      

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