Tuesday 30 April 2013

Wenatchee Mountains, Washington


Monday 29th April
4am. Dave was up  (to early for me) to collect empty trailer from Calgary yard and change over for a loaded one (full of cat litter) at Lethbridge, we weighed off it was now 10am, our delivery was in Sumner, near Tacoma for wednesday am.
The weather was warm and sunny, we were going back over the Rockies on Highway 3 through Crowsnest Pass.  As we approached Pincher Creek the weather turned dramatically, dark clouds filled the sky and we had a hail storm.  In the distance we could see blue sky over the mountains.  Either side of us on the hills were wind turbines.  As we went through Crowsnest Pass the hail turned to light snow.  Down through Fernie and Cranbrook. About 4pm we crossed the US border, we had to stop and take our documents into the office while the trailer was inspected as the cat litter was radioactive, the customs officer used a gieger counter, it all seemed very bizzarre.
Into Idaho on Highway 95.  Landscape was mostly farmland, paddocks of horses with the odd llama.  Alot of the houses were made of logs, we really liked the look of them.  Into Bonnie Ferry which looked busy and interesting.  All towns we`ve found however small have fantastic golf courses, Bonnie Ferry was no exception.  Then Sandpoint, it was on a massive river (priest river)
it had its own beaches, they had built a new bypass around and over the river since dave had been here last, so we missed out on the town.  We were heading for Coeur d`Alene to stay the night.
Tuesday 30th April
We set off leaving Idaho and into Washington with brilliant sunshine and blue skies. Local radio on.
The traffic was heavy through Spokane on I90. The landscape was flat lands across the columbia basin. We stopped at a rest area near Moses Lake for lunch.  USA have really good rest areas, Canada sucks!  We caught the edge of Saddle Mountains with the columbia river running through.  The road was very steep, hills had heather like bushes instead of fir trees.  Into the valley, Kittitas and the surrounding Ellensburg was mostly farms, ahead we could see the Wenatchee Mountains.
They were impressive, a smaller version of the Rockies.  At stampede Pass there was alot of low cloud, by the time we got to Snoqualmie Pass it was snowing, it was so pretty, not for dave though, he got worried when we saw a snow plough, but not for long, came out the other side into the sun.
We were only 40 miles from Seattle. We turned off at J25 and infront of us was a huge mountain.
Signpost was Tiger summet, we had to crawl around it at 25mile an hour (trucks have to put their hazards on when going slower than 30) The elevation was 1377ft.  It was a gradient of 6% the same at the Rockies.  We were now heading for Sunmer to park up early for a change, it was only 3.30pm, the load was`not due to be delivered until 5.30am tomorrow.        

Sunday 28 April 2013

Country park on the estuary

Downtown Vancouver

White suspension into Vancouver

Lake Shuswap

Amidst the Rockies

On our way to Banff

Vancouver via The Rockies

Wednesday 24th April
Dave decided to deliver trailer to Calgary last night as instructions had come through for us to go to  Vancouver.  We picked up the trailer from the Calgary yard, they now had their own truck wash and scales, the yard was now twice the size since dave was here last.
It was a bright sunny morning, perfect for our trek across the Rockies.  Calgary looked nice from what we saw, quite a big city with nicely laid out housing estates amongst the rolling hills and fir trees, a large river running through which looked like it ended in a dam on the edge of the city.  We were hoping to be based here eventually instead on Lethbridge as the Airport was here and its nearer to the Rockies as we intend to spend our free weekends there.
We set off on Highway 1 towards Banff with the snow capped mountains in front of us. Swans and wild geese were on lakes as we passed.  Most of the snow was gone, land was brown, soon to go green.  Some attempts at ploughing had started and cows had their calves.  Everyone had said it had been a longer winter here than usual, with the last snow we had had been a surprise to the locals. The Rockies were breathtaking, we drove past Banff and Lake Louise, a river ran alongside the road, the water clear, elaborate bridges over the highway for wildlife to cross.  There were scenic rest areas to stop and take in the views, we had our lunch at one and took maddy`s photo for facebook.  Just before Golden we went over Kicking Horse Pass which had a large bridge, the  road had been cut out of the side of a mountain, Kicking Horse River ran alongside and underneath, very impressive.  There was a huge drop as we went down the other side of the mountain, i was so glad we were driving on the right!  The town of Golden was all lodges and fast food.  The restaurant "The Grizzly Bear" was where sophie and dave had stopped for a meal.
After Golden it was Rodgers Pass, this gets alot of snow build up as its along the side of a mountain, very often the road is closed and the trucks haul up in Golden until the state police tell them on CB radio that the road is clear.  At one point through the mountains we went under avalanche sheds, there were five in total with short gaps inbetween, further on we encountered three more.
Before a steep hill there were laybys for trucks to stop and test their brakes, these were compulsory and had to be recorded, this was set up a long time back, trucks now have self adjusting brakes but you still have to stop.
Revelstone was set in a valley.  We dropped down into it.  All the trees were in bud.  We crossed an iron bridge over the Columbia river, turquoise and glinting in the sunshine.  Hopefully we would have time to stop here on the way back.  We stayed in the valley.  There were campsites and resorts everywhere, most were still closed for the season.  Waterfalls running into creeks, lakes still, reflecting the mountains, rivers rushing by our side.
At Sicamous we drove by Shuswap lake, it was massive, there was a marina and you could hire a houseboat.  The lake ran all the way into Salmon Arm.  We carried on into the evening through Kamloops and stopped at Chilliwack.
Thursday 25th April
Chilliwack was in a valley of lucious green, as we arrived in the dark last night it was a real surprise
 in the morning.  It was our first delivery, then a drop in Burnaby, last in Vancouver.  It was a bright sunny morning and quite warm, we could still see the mountains around us. A heron flew alongside us for a while.      
Into Vancouver, we crossed the river, it was an amazing brilliant white suspension bridge!  Drove through the centre, very unusual shops and old hotels.  There were cables above us quite low, then we saw an electric bus!  then they were everywhere!  We were delivering to a chinese food shop, it was obviously a sort of china town, very busy with shop fronts laden with produce, fish and meat hanging on hooks in windows with chinese lanterns, bright red canopies with restaurants above.
By noon it had got really warm, there were cherry blossom trees everywhere even outside shops. The last few pallets had been delivered and the afternoon was our own, we were near the port so we dropped the trailer in a H & R yard and found a park by the estuary.  It was so quiet, just the birds and the occassional ferry passing.
We were picking up a trailer to load about 7.30pm to go back to Calgary in the morning, oh no back over the Rockies on the other side of the road!
Friday 26th April
We were up before the sun.  Dave had driven to Merrick last night after picking up the trailer.  The load was booked in for 6pm in Calgary, we had 400 miles to go over the Rockies. We stopped at Kamloops for a much needed shower, fueled up and had beakfast.  The sun came up over the mountains gradually lighting up the hills around us.  Maddy was still asleep on the bed, she was worn out from the long walk yesterday.  Alot of the trees between Merrick and Kamloops had been cut down as they had mountain pine beetle, they had built large bonfires as big as houses, you could see the occassional swirl of smoke.   The sun rose higher and flooded the valley with light.
We made good time and arrived in Calgary early, weve now got some time off here so we can have a good look round, perhaps have a pizza and a beer tomorrow!                      

Ten things we miss from home

- Going to the toilet without walking across a windy truck park
- Getting up to make tea and going back to bed
- Letting maddy out the backdoor for a wee
- Chloe in the morning as she always wakes up happy
- Going to the same supermarket
- Roast dinners
- Drinking wine
- Smooth roads
- The sun newspaper especially the crossword
- Muffins snoring

Tuesday 23 April 2013

Saskatoon, Saskatchewan

Friday 19th April
Had a lay in, still waiting for reload from despatch.  Its raining, not cold though.
9am, preplan instructions came through for us to reload for Montreal.  We had to wait for confirmation.  We had wifi here so we were trying to skype the children to catch up on all the wedding plans.  Despatch sent message Highway 11 between Longlac and Northbay in Ontario was closed due to bad weather conditions, this was our route so we had to wait for further instructions.
We waited all day for weather to improve.  Our preplan had been changed to Saskatoon, still the same route.  We picked up trailer in Mississauga and made our way on Highway 11, we hit snow but kept going until it got dark.
Saturdy 20th April
We drove all day through Ontrario, landscape snow and fir trees, all the lakes were frozen, some
properties were on islands in the middle of the lake. We did have some bad weather and part of the highway was still closed so we had a detour.  Huntsville had alot of floods due to the melting snow and was under state of emergency, but we managed to get through.   We stopped at Hearst for the night just as the sun was going down.  We bought a husky dog for the truck!  maddys got a friend!
Sunday 21st April
Bright sunshine, trees laden with snow.  Highway 11 was the worst road we had been on, full of potholes etc, it shook your bones, i woke up feeling i had been in a car accident!  Through Ontario,
this was desolate, with not many places to stop, what a long day, we did find a Tim Hortons and had coffee and danish, well it was sunday! The weather turned nasty again in the afternoon, blizzard conditions.
Monday 22nd April
We drove into Winnipeg, the sky was clear but very cold.  The landscape was flat with not much to look at. We stopped for a shower and supplies.  We saw an eagle by the roadside, creamy white head and black feathers beautiful.  The land stayed flat as we travelled across Manitoba.  There was still snow on the ground and lakes were still frozen.  We hit Saskatchewan in late afternoon, kept going as load was booked in for 9pm.  Still landscape was open and bare, very cold and windy.  We got there in time and was able to drop the trailer in the yard.  We headed for nearest truck stop for the night.  The instructions for tomorrow were for us to deliver in Calgary only 5 hours away.  

Thursday 18 April 2013

Robert F Kennedy Bridge and view of New York

George Washington Bridge

Black hills of North Dakota


Tuesday 16th April
We travelled down on I95, a toll road, to a place called Gloucester City in Philadelphia, just outside New Jersey.  The weather was very warm, the trees had just started to go green. We were picking up a load of bananas from Delmonte, these were going to Toronto.  We waited three hours to be loaded with just ten pallets, not even half a load.  There was nowhere to go except the truck so maddy and i had to keep our legs crossed.
Philadelphia was much nicer looking than New York, lovely buildings some look colonial, newish roads and bridges with sculptures around, it made NY look old and tired.  We went over the Ben Franklin bridge.  There was a river running through the centre as big as the Thames, people out boating, boats all shapes and sizes, some canoes had as many as ten people in.  Further down river were rapids, white froth on rocks.  Houses backed onto the river, budding weeping willow swept the banks edge.  We`d definately come here for a holiday.  We travelled up through Pennyslvania on I476.  Into late afternoon we passed under a huge mountain called Lenigh tunnel, it was at least a mile long.
Wednesday 17th April
Another bright and sunny day.  Made our way upto New York State on I81.  Passed through Syracuse, joined the I90 toll, fueled up at Corfe, but oh dear the tread was coming off one of the tyres on the unit drivers side.  Sent a message to despatch, we will have to wait here at truck stop for breakdown to come out.  We are so close to Niagra Falls but unfortunately the road will not take the trailer.  Couple of hours and we were back on our way to the Canadian border.  Passed Niagra Falls and Buffalo enroute to Toronto.
Now Ontario, so many vineyards! did`nt recognise any names though!  Lake Ontario was huge, we thought it was the sea at first.  Stayed nearby the lake, took maddys photo for facebook.
Thursday 18th April
Cloudy today, local radio says it`ll brighten up later.  Delivered bananas at 10am to a place called
Mississauga. We hung around most of the day waiting for our reload.      

Monday 15 April 2013


Wednesday 10th April
Picked up trailer from yard and made our way to the border, sailed through this and meat inspection. We were on our way to Winconsin.  Stopped at Shelby to fuel up and made our way over Montana on highway 2. Saw a family of pelicans on a lake.
Thursday 11th April
We started out to a glorious sunrise through snow capped hills through North Dakota.  We passed a place called "Home on the Range" What a fantastic name.  Stopped at Beach to refuel and maddy played in the snow.  The scenery was like something from a christmas card. We listened to country with the open road in front of us with the occasional truck passing.  We travelled on I94 going through Bismark and Jamestown.  We hit Fargo around 3pm with heavy snow, the snow ploughs were out.  We still had a way to go before we found somewhere to stay the night.  Now Minnesota, we kept driving through to early evening into Minnapolis and stayed outside St Pauls.
Friday 12th April
We awoke to thick snow.  The interstate was clear.  Into Wisconsin, we passed Yogis Yellowstone Park.  It was still snowing.  Message from despatch, we had to change trailers next truck stop, near Tomah.  Apparently the driver had refused to take his load to New York.  We had to do it.  Dave was not a happy bunny!  There were going to be two drops, New York and Massachusettes.  We
had to be in New York by 2pm tomorrow!  We carried on I94 through the centre of Chicago amidst the skyscrapers, most definately the "windy city".
Into Indiana on the I80, it was now 5pm, dave was going to run out of driving hours.
Saturday 13th April
5am.  It was already light (we had passed a time line but we stay on Alberta clock) Dave sent a message to despatch we wer`nt going to make the 2pm booking.  We kept going into Ohio on the I80 toll road (expensive!) We now had tree lined green fields which reminded us of home.  Everyone either had a horse or RV in their backyard (or both) there were so many RV parks it was obvious people lived in them instead of a house.  Some were nearly as big as daves trailer.
The toll road took us past Toledo, it was raining, miserable, what a difference the sun can make.
Toledo looked affluent, after what we had seen so far, nice estates with golf courses and lakes, even the truck stop (should i say travel plaza) was posh.  On passing the outskirts of Cleveland the countryside changed from flat farmland to hills and forest with winding rivers.  The toll ended, just under $80!
Pennyslvania was much the same.  Some bridges were so high it was scary looking over into the water below.  The job had now been booked in for tomorrow morning at 9am.  It was a sort of rule that trucks did`nt stay in New York overnight because of the crime, so most travelled in early morning then left (you would either get robbed or your truck wheels would disappear).  It was 3pm and we stopped at Brookville to refuel. We stayed at a rest area at Bald Eagle State Forest.
Sunday 14th April
We were still surrounded by forest.  Bright sunshine streamed through the window.  We carried on I80 through New Jersey into New York, not too much traffic as it was sunday morning.  We went
over the George Washington bridge heading for Queens.  Over Robert F Kennedy bridge, both had fantastic views of the Empire State.  In Queens we got lost, we could`nt rely on the sat nav as there were too many low bridges, so we used the map.  So many roads refused trucks, we eventually got to the meat wholesaler (still we saw more of New York than we expected) We got lost again coming out, still better luck next time.  We did`nt have to deliver until 10am tomorrow so we took our time travelling up coast through Connecticut on I95, there were so many small harbours and private jetty`s, some houses were huge with private yachts.  We stopped early, found a truck stop near New London which had plenty of countryside round it (for a change)
Monday 15th April
It was a bright morning,  We drove into Rhode Island on a long straight road with blossom and daffidils on the banks.  Names of Taunton and Exeter on boards above, it gave you a sort of "going to the seaside" feeling.  Rhode Island was lovely, the best place so far!  Providence reminded us of Amnityville from "Jaws".
In Massachusetts.  Lakeville on Highway 44. The business park was set in woodland.  Industrial units were spaced well apart.  We were early so had breakfast of toasted muffins.  Took maddy for a long walk through the pine trees.  It was so quiet you could hear birds of prey above.  After unloading the rest of the day was our own.  We had a job come through for tomorrow in New Jersey so we had to go back the way we came, back through New York etc, but that was another day, time for some shopping!      

Tuesday 9 April 2013

Longbeach, California

Wednesday 3rd April
The drive into LA was all traffic and smog.  It is an enormous place.  We delivered over in the industrial area near the port, opposite was residential.  I took maddy for a walk along the condo`s, most were well looked after, green grass and exotic plants, bourgainvilla hung over fences with lillies and geraniums on porches, also large bushes of busy lizzies.  The smell was lovely.  Oh well back to the truck, waiting now for a reload.  The trailer has to be washed out after each delivery (well mostly) so in the truck wash at the moment.  We just sit in the cab.  Sometimes the water is reused which can be a bit smelly.
We got our instructions to reload at Oxnard, but not until the following afternoon, so we had the rest of the day to ourselves.  We found parking at Longbeach Port and walked along the front to visit the old Queen Mary at her permanent mooring. We soaked up the Californian sun by the sea all afternoon watching the local fishermen.  Dave chatted to a few locals, one in particular was colorful to say the least, an image of
Sammy Davis Jnr!
Thursday 4th April
Had a lay in (both of us) and did a bit of shopping at walmart, loaded trailer at Port Hueneme with bananas for Edmonton.
Got back to Lethbridge on sunday.  Truck had a few problems so it was booked into the garage for repair.
Woke up monday morning to find everything covered in two inches of snow, freezing! What a contrast to California! That day we explored Lethbridge and found a lovely park to take maddy called Henderson Lake.
There were alot of birds and it was great to walk round.
Tuesday the truck was still in the garage (we did have it overnight) they don`t move very fast over here, so we spent the day at the mall (lots of good shops! can`t wait for Daves first paycheck!) and went back to Henderson Lake, we sat having our lunch overlooking the water in glorious sunshine, all the snow had gone from yesterday.

Tuesday 2 April 2013

Los Angeles here we come!

31st March - Easter Sunday
10am.  Picked  up trailer in yard full of compressed hay.  Went straight to weigh truck, overweight on front axels so had to move fifth wheel back 2 notches as before.  Then straight to the US border, no inspection on trailer as it was hay.  Down through Montana but on the west side, interstate 15.  We followed the Rockies, this time very picturesque, all log cabins with a river flowing though.  Stayed at Butte that evening.
Monday 1st April
Americans don`t recognise Bank Holiday Monday.  Into Idaho this morning, passed through Idaho Falls, then into Utah, through Salt Lake City, didnt see much of this as the interstate is on the outskirts, We watched a thunderstorm along side of us with fork and sheet lightning, we could see the rainfall on the mountains, we had sun infront of us and clouds on the other side, we were watching three different weather systems at once.  Stopped at Beaver for the night.
Tuesday 2nd April
Early start (i stayed in bed, maddy too) stopped for breakfast at Cedar City then travelled into Arizona, the rock formations were unbelievable, all different shades of red in the rising sun.  We were only in Arizona for about an hour before entering Nevada via Mesquite (state line) we dropped down about 4,000 ft into the
desert.  We were on our way to Las Vegas, we were giving ourselves the afternoon off.  We parked up north of the strip " Dean Martin Dr" all three of us walked down Las Vegas Boulevard, maddy the only dog on the strip, it was 76 degrees. At Barstow for the night, we had wifi so put maddys recent fame photo on facebook.  Not far to go tomorrow, Wilmington near Long Beach.