Sunday 16 January 2011

I had a shot gun passenger over chrismas and even though it started out a disaster we ended up having a wonderful time.

I had an older truck due for replacement, the problem was it had an exhaust leak and made the cab smell,i told my boss and he said i had a new one in lethbridge. So i picked sophie up a the air port and we went staight to the yard and picked an mt trailer to go and load,we go to the customers gate and the clutch broke on the entrance, this is a good start me thinks, so undetered i called the breakdown company.3 hrs later he arrived in a van, this is not looking to good.After a lot of deliberation he pronounce the the truck we and truly dead. A wrecker arrived 2 hours later with a spare truck, we transfered all my and sophies belonging over, while the old truck was taken awy. we were all ready to go when we hit a small problem, we could'nt turn the interior light off, 20 mins later we still could'nt find the switch, in the end we took out the bulbs, job done. Apparently this is a common fault on these truchs you can turn the lights on but not off and the bulbs are missing from most trucks, american trucks eh.

Finally made it to lethbridge and jumped in a brand new shiney red truck. Dumped all our gear in picked up trailer then off to Chicargo.

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