Monday 18 March 2013

Dave and Jackie - Our New Adventure

Were here! Weve arrived in Canada! I cant quite believe it! It was a long journey from leaving home, flight was ok (maddy was well looked after) but immirgration was tedious to be kind, then it was a 2hr drive to hotel everything is so big here. Yesterday we spent day in hotel as it was -12 outside and snowing, lucky i brought the scrabble! Maddy has been very good, there is a small park outside of hotel to take her for a wee, she has a her own flying jacket to keep her warm. There is a bar/grill downstairs so we dont have to go far also a 7 to 11 and a liquor store where believe it or not we spied a bottle of "Little Penguin" i thought i had drunk my last glass! Today monday, dave gone to have medical etc, open bank account and change his driving licence, hopefully start work tomorrow, he should come back with news to pick up truck. Not so cold today and sunny (but needed tights under my jeans and couldnt take off hat or gloves) so me and maddy went for a walk, no one walks just drives everywhere, we got stopped by a journalist from the Herald who took our photo, he said he was driving by and saw us, were famous! From our hotel window i can see the Rockies so looking forward to our trip over them, will put photos on soon, lookout for Wheres Maddy on Facebook!

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