Saturday 8 June 2013

British Columbia again!

Monday 3rd June
Picked up trailer at Calgary yard 7am.  Yes we were going back over to Vancouver. Arrived
early evening and delivered.
Spent tuesday morning at the park by the estuary sunbathing, we had deck chairs at last!
After lunch picked up trailer and made our way to Kamloops for the night.
Wednesday we were up bright and early and on the Highway 5 out of Kamloops and upto
Jasper.  Our destination was Edmonton.  The North Thompson river was beside us, some
times wide and smooth, other times fast and furious over rapids. We saw another bear in the
long grass by the road, he was so cute (i don`t think so!) dave drove really slowly so we
could have a good look at him (shame i`d just put my camera away)  Up in the Rockies
towards Jasper was wide and open spaces, alot of lakes with magnificent mountains all
around.  There were alot more wildlife here, we saw a group of elks and nearly had to stop
as a male was so close, he had huge antlers, it was great to see them all munching away
totally oblivious to the traffic. We bypassed Jasper which was a shame, into Pochontas
which was just a few log cabins.  Fueled up at Hinton, typically canadian/american, wide
thoroughfare with fast food places either side.  We arrived in Edmonton in absolute pouring
rain, really big drops! luckily we only had to drop the trailer in the yard.  Tomorrow we
had a load back down to Lethbridge, it was`nt going to be ready until 2pm, with four drops,
it meant driving into the evening but it was our last job.  We had the truck to clear out
tomorrow and pack everything in the car, we would then book ourselves into the Sandman
Hotel for a couple of nights and relax, have a couple of beers!
But guess what we did`nt leave the customers yard until after 4pm (no surprises there!) Dave
didnt finish until 2am!          
Thats all folks for now, dave will try and keep in touch!    

Kamloops, BC. Our park at the Estuary in Vancouver. Three Valley Chateau at Revelstoke.

Sunday 2 June 2013

WERE GOING ON A BEAR HUNT (Were going to catch a big one!)

Above is the title to a book the children had when they were little. Yes!  we saw a bear! two actually, one just in a clearing past Banff, and another meandering along a track in the Rockies.
The last few weeks we`ve been back and forth to Vancouver, we also saw two moose (well dave did i was reading and not looking out of the window oops!)  We know the road so well now through the Rockies and the places to stay overnight and good walks for maddy.  Were flying home next week so don`t expect to travel too far as it might get difficullt to get a load back in time for our flight.  Maddy is booked into kennels just outside Calgary.  Dave will pick her up when he gets back so he will have some company.  I`m staying at home until sophie`s wedding in August so i can spend some time with them all.  I suspect dave will miss my cooking (probably all though!)
Each time we travelled through we stayed overnight at Kamloops, a large town overlooking a lake.
From Kamloops to Hope are the Coquihalla mountains.  We went on the Coquihalla highway, after the Rockies they were open and spread out, with the early morning sun they were magnificent, makes you feel on top of the world, which i suppose we were!  Some of our deliveries were in the city of Chilliwack, on the way to Vancouver, we would usually have our lunch there and fuel up.  Just before is Bridal Falls, we only passed it but could see why it was called Bridal Falls, on top of the mountain you could see the start of a waterfall, it just looked like a wedding veil.  There were alot of smaller waterfalls surrounding it along the mountain.  Definately a place to visit!
In the Rockies near Revelstoke is a spectacular hotel.  Its spread across the edge of a lake, its red roofed and looks quite Austrian.  Its a beautiful setting amidst the mountain backdrop, were hoping we can drive down and also stay there one weekend.          
Its sunday and were waiting for our assignment to come through, it will most probably be back to
British Columbia!