Sunday 14 February 2010

A new journey starts with the first step

After a lot of thought,soul seeking and concideration i have decided to take a leap of faith and start a new job in canada.Ive handed my notice in at work and will be finished on the 11 june. I have decided to take a week off before leaving to spend time with my family and complete any outstanding jobs.It has been a wrench to leave visbeens as i have been there for 4 years and well within my comfort zone, maybe thats the reason for my itchy feet, sometimes you need new challenges.Im going out with a completely open mind about the job and my future there,if i like canada i will stay and will happily retire or if things dont fall into place will come back home knowing that i have at least tried.
So here i am waiting for the 11th to come round and, like any one who has decided to change jobs, wondering if i have made the right decision. ill be ok once things get moving.My main concern are the people im leaving behind as im a big boy now and can look after myself.No its everybody else.Jackie, who i will be leaving behind till the house is sold,the worries she will have looking after the house,the bills, family affairs etc., i just wish the house was sold and we could go together.